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    Title: 習近平時代官員表態差異研究
    Variations in Displays of Loyalty Among Officials in the Xi Jinping Era
    Authors: 簡立宇
    Chien, Li-Yu
    Contributors: 寇健文
    Kou, Chien Wen
    Chien, Li-Yu
    Keywords: 表態政治
    Statement Politics
    Display of Loyalty
    Factional Politics
    CCP Provincial Committee Secretary
    Xi Jinping
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 12:57:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 表態是中共官員取得上級認可的方式之一,然而表態具有差異性,造成差異背後的原因值得去研究。因此,本文主要的研究問題有兩個重點,第一為觀察省委書記表態的差異,第二為發現影響表態差異的背景。本文以中共37位省市自治區委書記為研究對象,觀察他們2021年至2022年為期兩年的講話內容,以文字探勘方法,分析講話中的表態關鍵詞及其類型。此外,本文定義官員與習近平的關係為「同事關係」與「校友關係」兩種,並以變異數分析與迴歸模型,觀察「關係」對「表態」造成的影響。本文建立理論框架:在政治相對穩定時期,例如本研究所分析的時間,唯獨非派系官員需要積極表態;在政治相對動盪時期,所有官員都需要積極表態,其中,本文定義的派系官員即與習近平有關係的官員。研究結果發現,與習近平共事月份越低的官員,表態程度越高,符合本文的理論框架。
    Expressing loyalty is one of the ways through which officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) gain recognition from their superiors. However, the nature of these expressions varies, and the reasons behind these differences warrant investigation. Therefore, this paper focuses on two main research questions: first, observing the differences in expressions of loyalty among provincial party secretaries, and second, identifying the backgrounds influencing these variations in expressions. The study examines the speeches of 37 provincial, municipal, and autonomous region party secretaries within the CCP from 2021 to 2022. Using text mining methods, the paper analyzes key words and types of expressions in these speeches. Additionally, this study defines the relationship between officials and Xi Jinping in two categories: “collegial relationship” and “alumni relationship”, and uses ANOVA and regression models to observe the impact of “relationships” on “display of loyalty”. The paper establishes a theoretical framework: during politically stable periods, such as the time analyzed in this study, only non-factional officials need to actively express loyalty; in politically turbulent times, all officials need to actively express loyalty. In this context, factional officials as defined in this study are those with a relationship with Xi Jinping. The results reveal that officials with fewer months of working with Xi Jinping tend to express higher degrees of loyalty, which aligns with the theoretical framework proposed in this paper.
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