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Title: | 圖書資訊學創新採納與擴散研究 Innovative Adoption and Diffusion Studies of Library and Information Science |
Authors: | 劉志偉 Liu, Zhi-Wei |
Contributors: | 蔡明月 Tsay, Ming-Yueh 劉志偉 Liu, Zhi-Wei |
Keywords: | 圖書資訊學 創新採納 創新擴散 羅傑斯 Library and information science Adoption of innovation Diffusion of innovation Rogers |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 12:54:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在引入傳播學思想,運用Rogers「創新採納與擴散」基本理論和滲透領域研究的思維方式作為研究之理論基礎與框架,以圖書資訊學1945-2022年間發表之研究創新成果為研究對象,利用資訊計量、數學統計、圖譜分析、文本探勘、比較分析等方法,兼顧量化與質化研究視角,探討和分析圖書資訊學創新成果中存在的創新採納與創新擴散現象,還原學科創新採納與擴散特徵、過程、成效及影響,並總結現階段學科發展存在的問題與困境。同時,以透過系統化研究與應用使得上述理論在學術創新研究中得到融合運用,為研究學科發展研究提供新思路和新視角,進一步豐富圖書資訊學發展研究模式與理論體系,推動圖書資訊學研究的深化發展。 研究發現,近年來「資訊計量」、「資訊社會」等領域的研究持續增長,並揭示了學科文献成长的基本特徵,以及機構、研究者及期刊方面的主要貢獻者。通過分析採納與擴散特徵顯示,「資訊計量」領域在學科和主題擴散上佔優勢,而「資訊系統與檢索」領域在擴散機構和研究者上表現優越。採納與擴散過程分析顯示,不同領域的創新文獻具有不同的採納與擴散效率,擴散時差普遍呈現縮短趨勢。就採納與擴散成效而言,「資訊與知識組織」在學科擴散效益最佳,而「資訊系統與檢索」在機構、主題以及研究者影響力上表現優越。最後,本研究深入分析了採納與擴散的五種影響因素,包括替代程度、一致性程度、易用程度、新穎程度和可見程度。這些發現為進一步瞭解學科創新發展提供了有益的啟示。綜合來看,本研究將有助於了解學科創新過程中的特點和規律,期望為學術界和實踐界提供有價值的參考,推動圖書資訊學的進一步發展。 This research aims to integrate communication theories, utilizing Rogers' "Innovation Adoption and Diffusion" fundamental theory and the mindset of penetration field research as the theoretical foundation and framework. Focusing on innovative research outcomes in library and information science from 1945 to 2022, the study employs methods such as information metrics, mathematical statistics, network analysis, text mining, and comparative analysis. Combining quantitative and qualitative perspectives, the research explores and analyzes the phenomena of innovation adoption and diffusion in library and information science, uncovering the characteristics, processes, effects, and influencing factors of disciplinary innovation adoption and diffusion. The study also identifies challenges and issues in the current stage of disciplinary development. Findings reveal a continuous growth in research, particularly in the "Informetrics" and "Information Society" domains. The study highlights the basic features of disciplinary literature growth and identifies major contributors from institutions, researchers, and journals. Analysis of adoption and diffusion characteristics indicates the dominance of the "Informetrics" domain in disciplinary and thematic diffusion, while the "Information Systems and Retrieval" domain excels in institutional and researcher diffusion. Examination of adoption and diffusion processes shows varying efficiency across different domains, with a general trend of reducing diffusion time lags. In terms of adoption and diffusion effectiveness, the "Information and Knowledge Organization" domain performs optimally in disciplinary diffusion benefits, while the "Information Systems and Retrieval" domain excels in institutional, thematic, and researcher influence. Finally, the study conducts an in-depth analysis of five influencing factors in adoption and diffusion: substitutability, consistency, ease of use, novelty, and visibility. These findings offer valuable insights for understanding the characteristics and patterns of disciplinary innovation development. Overall, this research contributes to a better understanding of disciplinary innovation processes and aims to provide valuable references for academia and practice, fostering further development in library and information science. |
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