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Title: | 台灣無人便利商店的服務創新、服務品質與顧客滿意度之研究 A Research on the Service Innovation, Service Quality, and Customer Satisfaction in Unmanned Convenience Stores in Taiwan |
Authors: | 杉本真歩 Sugimoto, Maho |
Contributors: | 吳豐祥 Wu, Feng-Shang 杉本真歩 Sugimoto, Maho |
Keywords: | 無人便利商店 科技概念店 零售4.0 零售科技 服務創新 服務品質 顧客滿意度 統一超商 全家便利商店 Unmanned Store Technology concept store Retail 4.0 Retail technology Service Innovation Service Quality Consumer Satisfaction 7-Eleven FamilyMart |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 12:43:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 這幾年台灣的零售科技快速發展,導致消費者需求的多元化,同時,台灣社會的少子高齡化也導致零售業的人力短缺問題,以及社會結構改變等影響。因此,台灣零售業,尤其是已經離不開消費者們生活的便利商店,需要盡快轉型成有效率且有娛樂 感或趣味感的新樣貌。 近年來,美國最大電商公司Amazon發表,實現消費者拿了商品就可以走(Just Walk Out)的無人商店 Amazon Go,引起了廣泛的關注。台灣兩大便利商店廠商,統一超商與全家便利商店,也嘗試推出「未來超商 X-STORE」與「全家科技概念店」的創新。不過,好像還看不到具體的成效,而且,很多作法似乎都仍在摸索中。因此,有關這方面的發展,值得深入地加以探討,然而,國內外有關這個部分的研究仍然非常少。緣此,本論文研究的目的,即希望針對重要議題進行深入的探討,特別是探討統一及全家建立X-STORE及科技概念店的目標、相關服務創新的流程與內涵,以及消費者對其的服務品質感受與科技接受度等,希望能同時帶來實務上與學術上的貢獻。 本研究透過質性個案研究的方法整合了訪談內容、次級資料,與實地觀察的結果,所得到的主要研究結論如下: 研究結論一:台灣零售業者發展無人便利商店/科技概念店的目標,主要會包括: 以概念店當做業者實驗場域、減輕店員們的勞務、與提升消費者購物體驗、蒐集消費 者購買數據等方面,且視為其導入零售科技的實驗場域,以尋求應用該零售科技於一 般便利商店的可能性,同時,也會不斷灌輸內部員工有關服務創新的必要性。 研究結論二:台灣零售業者在發展無人便利商店/科技概念店的服務創新中,瞭解 消費者的看法、需求及痛點會是其非常重要的考量因素,且每一位員工及客戶,都會 是其蒐集消費者痛點與需求的重要來源,不過,在發展台灣無人便利商店/科技概念 店的過程中,仍認知到所提供的服務還不是很到位、很完整,因此,會採取做中學及 不斷測試的方式來因應。 研究結論三:台灣零售業者在發展無人便利商店/科技概念店的創新服務雛形時,會進行跨領域及跨部門的討論,以跳脫其員工本身專業知識的限制,且會強調國外的經驗與新知之學習。 研究結論四:台灣零售業無人便利商店/科技概念店會為了減輕店員勞務、提升互動體驗、創造新商流等目的,而採用各種智慧零售科技,包括物聯網設備、機器人、 電子標籤、電屏海報、自助結帳機、人臉辨識、RFID、大數據分析等,此外,會因為 目前無人便利商店/科技概念店裡仍有員工或仍有其週邊門市店員工的支援,因此,作法上會更強調此創新的重要性,而非人員的訓練。 研究結論五:台灣零售業者在發展無人便利商店/科技概念店的創新過程中,有關商業夥伴廠商的選擇及導入技術的選擇,都會以需求為出發。在夥伴廠商方面,不管是沒有合作過的或已經長期合作的,都會優先考量其有沒有對應的技術。 研究結論六:台灣消費者對於零售業者的無人便利商店/科技概念店抱著既期待使用又希望可以更好的心情,認為其與傳統便利商店的差距還是很遠,不是馬上可以完 全取代的,另外,雖然對新科技操作上還不是很熟悉,卻很重視第一次操作時的體驗 與感受。 本論文最後提出本研究在學術上與實務上的貢獻,以及後續的研究建議。 In recent years, the rapid advancement of retail technology in Taiwan has led to a diversification in consumer demand. At the same time, Taiwan's falling birthrate and aging population have resulted in labor shortage in the retail sector, along with significant changes in social structure. As a result, it is crucial for the retail industry in Taiwan, particularly the convenience stores that have become an essential part of consumers' lives, to evolve towards a retail strategy that is both efficient and engaging. In the last few years, Amazon.com Inc., the largest e-commerce company in the US, introduced an unmanned store concept called "Amazon Go". This employs the 'Just Walk Out' technology, allowing customers to enter the store, pick what they want, and leave without traditional checkout processes, attracting substantial attention worldwide. In Taiwan, major convenience store chains 7-11 and Family Mart have also launched their own versions of unmanned stores, known as "X-STORE" and "Family Mart Technology Concept Stores" respectively. However, these initiatives appear to be in their early stages, with no clear outcomes observed so far and many strategies and approaches still under exploration. Th us, the development of this area is indeed worthy of extensive research. Moreover, there is a notable absence of international and Taiwanese research centered on the innovation of unmanned store services. The thesis intends to delve into this crucial subject, especially to examine the objectives of Uni-President and Family Mart in creating the X-STORE and Technology Concept Store, explore the process and significance of related service innovation s, and study consumer responses to these new concepts. The goal is to make valuable contributions to both practical and academic perspectives. Through qualitative case study methodologies that integrate interview content, secondary data, and observational findings, the following key conclusions are presented: 1. The primary objectives in the development of unmanned convenience stores or technology concept stores in the Taiwan retail industry encompass: using these stores as experimental platforms for operators, mitigating staff workload, enhancing customer shopping experiences, and collecting consumer purchasing data. Additionally, these stores act as testing environments for the integration of retail technology into traditional convenience stores, with a continuous emphasis on internal staff education about the necessity of service innovation. 2. In service innovation for unmanned convenience stores/technology concept store s, retailers in Taiwan consider understanding consumers' viewpoints, needs, and pain points to be crucial. Every employee and customer become a key resource f or identifying these consumer needs and issues. Recognizing that the provided services are not yet fully mature, a learn-by-doing and continuous testing approach is adopted. 3. When developing innovative service prototypes for unmanned convenience store s/technology concept stores, Retailers in Taiwan engage in cross-disciplinary and cross-departmental discussions to transcend the limitations of individual professional knowledge, emphasizing learning from foreign experiences and new knowledge. 4. To lessen staff workload, enhance interactive experiences, and generate new business flows, unmanned convenience stores/technology concept stores in Taiwan adopt various smart technologies. These include Internet of Things (IoT) devices, robots, electronic tags, digital posters, self-checkout kiosks, facial recognition, RF ID, and big data analytics. With the presence of staff still in these stores or in nearby traditional convenience stores, the focus leans towards stressing the importance of innovation over additional staff training. 5. In the innovation process for unmanned convenience stores/technology concept stores, retailers in Taiwan prioritize needs when choosing business partners and technologies. For partner manufacturers, whether they have never collaborated or have been long-term collaborators, the priority is to consider whether the manufacturer possesses the relevant technology. 6. Consumers in Taiwan express a blend of anticipation and desire for improvement towards the retail industry's unmanned convenience stores/technology concept stores. They believe these new concepts are still far from replacing traditional co nvenience stores immediately. Although they are not very familiar with operatin g new technologies, they place significant importance on the experience and feeli ngs during the initial operation of these technologies. This study concludes with its academic and practical contributions, as well as suggestions for subsequent research. |
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