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    Title: 美國對伊朗的經濟制裁:去美元化的效果
    US Sanctions and Iran: The Dedollarization Effect
    Authors: 石志熙
    Speers, Matthew
    Contributors: 馮慕文
    Fonseca, Fabricio
    Matthew Speers
    Keywords: 制裁
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 12:32:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自第二次世界大戰以來美國對於其國際的仇敵實行越來越多的制裁。在最近的歷史上,伊朗是受到其制裁最多的國家之一。伊朗第一次實施[去美元化]是因為已成為美國制裁的對象,目的就是在與美元脫鉤下其國內經濟與貿易功能依然能夠保持正常運作。 不不過,從2012年開始,就便美國透過新的制裁措施強制向伊朗施行去美元化。然而,自2018年以來,伊朗透過外銷佔其最大出口比重的石油業與其他小型產業,讓其在與美元脫鉤下依然保持國內經濟穩定,因而更擴大伊朗從事去美元化。伊朗的去美元化措施透過以下的因素已對美元的國際強勢有負面的影響:第一,作為一個主要石油出產國失去其對強化美元需求與進入石油美元循環的機會;第二,提高中國人民幣的受歡迎程度;第三,伊朗已成為一個日益壯大抵制制裁聯盟的關鍵成員。
    The United States has been using the tool of sanctions against its international adversaries more and more since the conclusion of the Second World War. One of the most sanctioned states in recent history is Iran. Iran first began dedollarizing, which is a practice wherein a state attempts to conduct all of its normal economic and trade functions without utilizing the dollar, in response to being targeted by US sanctions. However, starting in 2012, the US itself actually imposed dedollarization on Iran through new sanctioning measures. Since 2018, Iran has found relatively stable solutions for selling its main export, oil, as well as all other economic activity, without dollars, thereby further engaging in dedollarization. Iranian dedollarization has had a negative impact on the strength of the USD globally by serving as a lost opportunity to strengthen demand for dollars and to feed into the petrodollar cycle by a major oil-producing state, as well as by increasing the popularity of the Chinese yuan and serving as a key member of a growing sanctions-resistance network.
    Reference: References

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