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Title: | 房地產業者社群媒體行銷與網路資訊搜尋對購屋決策影響之研究 A Study on the Impact of Real Estate Social Media Marketing and Web Information Searching on House Purchase Decision |
Authors: | 楊洺濤 Yang, Ming-Tao |
Contributors: | 巫立宇 Wu, Li-Yu 楊洺濤 Yang, Ming-Tao |
Keywords: | 房地產業者 社群媒體行銷 網路資訊搜尋 購屋決策 Real Estate Social Media Marketing Web Information Searching House Purchase Decision |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 11:55:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著房價不斷上漲,房地產市場的競爭也如火如荼,透過網路社群媒體進行行銷活動已經成為房地產業者相當重要且普遍得網路行銷方式,而消費者也普遍會在購屋前透過網路搜尋房地產或購屋相關資訊,所以房地產業者的社群媒體行銷和消費者的網路資訊搜尋管道就成為影響購屋決策的參考依據,因此本研究主要目的除了分析房地產業者社群媒體行銷分別對消費者網路資訊搜尋與消費者購屋決策之影響性外,也進一步分析分析消費者網路資訊搜尋對消費者購屋決策之影響性。 本研究採網路問卷方式,透過便利抽樣將網路問卷傳遞給18歲以上有購屋需求的消費者為研究對象,共回收304份問卷,有效問卷回收304份。本研究利用SPSS統計軟體對有效問卷,運用敘述性統計分析、t檢定分析、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析進行假設驗證。 本研究發現:1.消費對於房地產業者針對資訊性透過社群媒體進行行銷的同意程度最高,但對可信性的同意程度最低。2.消費對於將政府單位相關網站做為網路資訊搜尋管道的的同意程度最高,但對部落格的同意程度最低。3.消費者在購屋評估階段普遍重視網路資訊內容取得的方便性。4.不同性別、年齡、教育程度消費者在房地產業者社群媒體行銷構面有顯著差異。5. 不同性別、年齡、婚姻狀況消費者在網路資訊搜尋構面有顯著差異。6.不同背景消費者在消費者購屋決策沒有顯著差異。7.房地產業者社群媒體行銷、消費者網路資訊搜尋與消費者購屋決策之間有顯著的影響性。 As housing prices continue to rise, the competition in the real estate market is intensifying. Utilizing social media for marketing activities has become a crucial and widespread online marketing approach for real estate professionals. Consumers commonly engage in online searches for real estate or home-related information before making a purchase decision. Therefore, the social media marketing efforts of real estate professionals and consumers' online information search channels have become essential factors influencing home-buying decisions. The main objective of this study is not only to analyze the impact of real estate professionals' social media marketing on consumers' online information search and home-buying decisions but also to further examine the influence of consumers' online information search on home-buying decisions. This study employed an online questionnaire method, distributing the survey to consumers aged 18 and above with a need for home purchasing through convenient sampling. A total of 304 questionnaires were collected, and all were deemed valid. The study utilized the SPSS statistical software for the analysis of valid questionnaires, employing descriptive statistical analysis, t-test analysis, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and regression analysis for hypothesis verification. The results of this study are as follows:1.Consumers show the highest agreement regarding real estate professionals using social media for informational marketing, but the agreement on credibility is the lowest.2.Consumers exhibit the highest agreement in considering government-related websites as their primary online information search channel, while the agreement is lowest for blogs.3.Consumers generally emphasize the convenience of obtaining information online during the home evaluation stage.4.Consumers of different genders, ages, and educational backgrounds show significant differences in the aspects of real estate professionals' social media marketing.5.Consumers of different genders, ages, and marital statuses show significant differences in the online information search aspect.6.Consumers from different backgrounds do not exhibit significant differences in home-buying decisions.7.There is a significant impact on real estate professionals' social media marketing, consumers' online information search, and consumers' home-buying decisions. |
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