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    Title: 當代台韓小說的歷史書寫——以吳明益與金息為例
    Historical Writing in Contemporary Taiwanese and Korean Novels: The cases of Wu Ming-yi and Kim Sum
    Authors: 丁莉芸
    Contributors: 崔末順
    Keywords: 台韓小說
    Taiwanese and Korean novels
    historical writing
    Wu Ming-yi
    Kim Sum
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 13:04:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 〈集團化趨緊密東亞局勢更緊繃 〉〈韓美日將於本月完成「朝鮮導彈警報 共享體系」〉〈抗衡中國北韓軍事威脅,日本沖繩美軍基地意義重大〉〈英倫熱議:眼前危險是朝鮮,長期挑戰是中國〉〈1958 年的臺海危機與日本:日美 安保條約之修訂與金門島〉〈美陸對抗,東亞緊張陷惡性螺旋〉。前述是時下 到搜尋引擎輸入「東亞局勢」會出現新聞標題。二次世界大戰已經結束超過七十年了,2023 年東亞地區的軍事對峙竟愈趨白熱化。究竟我們會作為戰後一 代,還是會變成戰爭時代?

    九〇年代末因應東亞地區的政治氛圍,台日韓針對二戰期間「戰爭的記憶」發生激烈又矛盾的「記憶的戰爭」,戰後的道歉賠償等歷史責任問題,在後冷戰時期的重新浮上檯面,再度成為世界關注的焦點。在時代流變中,各種 不同意識型態的歷史論述中,可以看見「台灣」、「韓國」不斷地被形塑與詮釋。二十一世紀,國際局勢進入新一輪的重編,作家們如何透過歷史書寫與社 會對話?鑑於台韓共有日據歷史經驗、戰後近似的歷史進程,故本文欲探討吳 明益與金息的歷史書寫策略創造出怎樣不同於上世代的歷史價值,並進一步反思當代社會議題與倫理回應,連接起過去與當代斷裂的歷史想像。

    本文將從客觀到主觀、外部到內在的分析視野探討吳明益《睡眠的航線》 《單車失竊記》與金息《最後一個人》《漂浮的大地》的歷史書寫策略,分別藉著虛實交錯的結構、非線性與多重聲音的敘事手法在小說中打造擬真的歷史 現場,再借媒介物意象來建構過去與現在的「轉接器」,最後將文本核心意義聚焦在「旁觀他人痛苦」的歷史現場所產生的情感動能和倫理行動。
    〈The situation in East Asia becomes more tense as the group becomes closer〉 〈South Korea, the United States and Japan will complete the “North Korea Missile Warning Sharing System” this month〉〈To counter the military threat from China and North Korea, the U.S. military base in Okinawa, Japan is of great significance〉 〈British hot discussion: The immediate danger is North Korea, the long-term challenge is China〉〈The Taiwan Strait Crisis and Japan in 1958: Revision of the Japan-US Security Treaty and Kinmen〉〈Confrontation between the United States and China, East Asia Tensions in a Vicious Spiral〉The above is the news headlines that will appear when you enter “the situation in East Asia” into a search engine these days. It has been more than seventy years since the Second World War ended, and the military confrontation in East Asia has become increasingly intense in 2023. Will we be a post-war generation, or will we become a war era?
    In response to the political atmosphere in East Asia in the late 1990s, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea engaged in fierce and contradictory “memory wars” over the “memory of the war” during World War II. Issues of historical responsibility such as post-war apology and compensation have resurfaced in the post-Cold War era, once again became the focus of world attention. In the changing times and historical discussions of various ideologies, we can see that “Taiwan” and “Korea” are constantly being shaped and interpreted. In the 21st century, the international situation has entered a new round of reorganization. How do writers engage in dialogue with society through historical writing? In view of the fact that Taiwan and South Korea share the historical experience of the Japanese occupation and the similar historical process after the war, this article intends to explore how Wu Ming-yi(吳明益) and Kim Sum(金息;김숨)’s historical writing strategies create historical values that are different from those of the previous generation, further reflect on contemporary social issues and ethical responses, and connects the rupture between the past and the present.
    This article will explore the historical writing strategies of Wu Ming-yi’s “Routes in the Dream”(睡眠的航線) and “The Stolen Bicycle”(單車失竊記) and Kim Sum’s
    “The Last One”(最後一個人;한 명) and “The Floating Earth”(漂浮的大地;떠도는 땅) from the analytical perspective of objective to subjective, external to internal. The
    authors respectively used the intertwined structure of virtuality and reality, non-straight line and multi-voice narrative techniques to create a realistic historical scene in the novel, and then used media images to construct the “switch” between the past and the present, at last, the core meaning of the text focuses on the affects and ethical actions generated by the historical scene of “watching the pain of others”.
    Reference: 參考書目
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    1. 專書
    Jean-Francois Lyotard; translation from the French by Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. University of Minnesota Press, 1984.
    Teffery N. Cox&Larry J. Reynolds, eds., New historical Literary Study. Princeton
    University Press, 1993.
    2. 論文
    Elspeth Probyn, “Writing Shame”, The Affect Theory Reader. Duke University Press, 2010.
    Cho, Younghan. “Desperately Seeking East Asia Amidst The Popularity Of South Korean POP Culture In Asia”, Cultural Studies, Routledge, First published on: 21 March 2011, pp. 383-404.
    Hyunjung Lee & Younghan Cho, INTRODUCTION: COLONIAL MODERNITY AND BEYOND IN EAST ASIAN CONTEXTS, Cultural Studies, 2012, 26:5, pp.601-616. José van Dijck. “Memory matters in the digital” Configurations. Dec, 2004, pp. 349–373. © 2007 by The Johns Hopkins University Press and the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts.
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