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    Title: 分析TCL v. Ericsson案之FRAND權利金計算方法及其對資通訊產業之影響
    Analysis of the FRAND Royalty Calculation Methods in TCL v. Ericsson Case and Its Impact on the ITC Industry
    Authors: 張凱博
    Chang, Kai-Po
    Contributors: 陳秉訓
    Chen, Ping-Hsun
    Chang, Kai-Po
    Keywords: 標準必要專利
    standard essential patents(SEPs)
    fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (F/RAND)
    reasonable royalties
    top-down approach
    comparable license
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:45:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 資通訊產業自通訊技術以及標準制定組織開始發展以來,標準必要專利(Standard Essemtial Patents, SEPs)相關案件在全球各地法院層出不窮,至今為止已經累積不少經典之標準必要專利案件,而隨著通訊技術發展至5G及5G技術之應用愈趨成熟和多樣化,未來5G標準必要專利之案件亦勢必大量發生。
    而在各標準必要專利案件中,TCL v. Ericsson案實屬對於F/RAND原則定義以及合理權利金計算方式討論內容相當豐富之案件,本文亦希望能透過分析TCL案了解影響合理權利金計算結果之關鍵性因素,以期能為未來之5G標準必要專利之案件提供一些洞見。本文首先介紹標準必要專利之定義及可能帶來之正反面影響。再來介紹F/RAND承諾之定義以及F/RAND承諾在實務上運作之爭議。接著進入本文之重點,即TCL案,此部分可分為四小部分,第一是有關TCL案地方法院判斷授權要約是否符合F/RAND原則之方法及細節;第二是TCL案地方法院計算合理權利金之方法,即以「由上而下計算法為主,可比較授權法為輔」的方式進行計算;第三是上訴法院對於Ericsson是否有請求陪審團審理之權利之見解;第四則是對於TCL案整體之分析。最後,本文整理出TCL案之重點並提供建議予將來之標準必要專利合理權利金計算案件當事人。
    Since the beginning of the development of communication technology and standards-setting organizations (SSOs) in ITC industry, cases related to standard essential patents (SEPs) have emerged in an endless stream in courts around the world. So far, many classic SEP cases have accumulated. As communication technology develops to 5G and the applications of 5G technology become more mature and diversified, a large number of 5G standard essential patent cases are bound to occur in the future.
    In past standard essential patent cases, the definition of the F/RAND principle and the calculation of reasonable royalties have always been widely discussed issues. After many years, the definition of the F/RAND principle seems to have gradually become clearer. However, there is no unified method for calculating reasonable royalties, and it depends on the judges and parties in each case to jointly construct a reasonable and credible method of calculating royalties that is consistent with the F/RAND principle.
    Among the various SEP cases, the TCL v. Ericsson case is indeed a case that contains a full discussion of the definition of the F/RAND principle and the calculation methods of reasonable royalties. This article also hopes to understand which key factors will impact the result of reasonable royalty calculation by analyzing the TCL case. Besides, these key factors are expected to provide some insights into 5G SEP cases in future. This article first introduces the definition of SEPs and the possible positive and negative impacts. Next, this article will introduce the definition of F/RAND commitment and the disputes over the practical operation of F/RAND commitment. Then, here comes to the key point of this article, the TCL case. This part can be divided into four subsections. The first is about the methods and details of how did district court in the TCL case determine whether the licensing offer complied with the F/RAND principle; the second is the calculation method adopted by the district court in the TCL case, which is taking "top-down approach as the main method, comparable license as the supplementary method" the third is the Court of Appeal's opinion on whether Ericsson has the right to request a jury trial; the fourth is an overall analysis of the TCL case. Finally, this article summarizes the key points of the TCL case and provides suggestions to potential parties involved in future SEP reasonable royalty calculation cases.
    Reference: 壹、中文文獻


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