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Title: | 學前融合班幼兒教室互動品質之研究 - 以一所非營利幼兒園為例 A Study on Preschoolers Interactions Quality in an Inclusive Classroom : The case of a Nonprofit Preschool |
Authors: | 沈怡秀 Shen, Yi-Hsiu |
Contributors: | 徐聯恩 Hsu, Lien-An 沈怡秀 Shen, Yi-Hsiu |
Keywords: | 學前融合班 幼兒教室互動品質 教師互動 同儕互動 工作互動 Inclusive Classroom inCLASS Teacher Interactions Peer Interactions Task Orientation |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2024-02-01 11:42:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討學前融合班級中幼兒教室互動品質。目的有三:(一)暸解個案幼兒園學前融合班中幼兒教室互動現況;(二)應用inCLASS量表暸解個案幼兒園學前融合班之幼兒互動品質;(三)探討 inCLASS量表應用於學前融合班互動品質之適切性與可調整之方向。研究對象為苗栗縣一間非營利幼兒園。 本研究分別從幼兒及教師的角度探討教室互動之實際情形,並透過教師訪談來暸解教室互動品質之經驗。取得觀察數據後,使用 SPSS27.0 及 MAXQDA 進行資料分析。主要研究結果如下: ㄧ、學前融合班幼兒教室互動現況:(一)教師互動:教師為協調者、觀察及教導者。(二)同儕互動:同儕為協助者、獨行者。(三)工作互動:主動性及投入會受到不同活動的影響、情緒會受到活動轉換的影響。 二、學前融合班幼兒教室互動品質「教師互動」、「同儕互動」為低品質;「工作互動」為中高品質。 三、學前融合班教師使用 inCLASS 施測具一致性及穩定性:(一)具評分者信度,不同評分者評分結果近似。(二)inCLASS 有效幫助暸解幼兒互動狀況。(三)inCLASS 有效幫助調整教學策略。 四、學前融合班教師使用 inCLASS 施測可調整之方向:(一)加強描述 inCLASS 評分工具的緣起及背景脈絡。(二)依教師需求搭配作息選擇不同時段與活動型態,以全面了解到幼兒互動樣貌。 研究限制與建議:學前融合班的組成與學習脈絡或有不同,因此,研究結果尚無法進行一般性推論。班級經營應放慢步調,深化幼兒與教師互動品質;建構融合友善聯合及合作遊戲,提升同儕互動品質。 This study aims to explore the quality of classroom interactions among preschoolers in Inclusive Classroom. The objectives are threefold: (1) to understand the current status of child-teacher interactions in the inclusive classroom; (2) to apply the inCLASS scale to assess the interaction quality of children in the inclusive classroom; (3) to investigate the appropriateness and adjustable directions of applying the inCLASS scale to assess interaction quality in the inclusive classroom. The research subject is a non-profit kindergarten located in Miaoli County. This study examines classroom interactions from the perspectives of both preschoolers and teachers. Teacher interviews are utilized to explore experiences related to the quality of these interactions. Observational data is collected and analyzed using SPSS 27.0 and MAXQDA. The primary research results are as follows: 1. Current Status of Interaction in Inclusive Classroom. (1) Teacher Interaction: Teachers act as coordinators, observers, and instructors. (2) Peer Interaction: Peers act as assistants and individual performers. (3) Task Orientation: Initiative and engagement are influenced by different activities, and emotions are affected by transitions between activities. 2. Interaction Quality in Inclusive Classroom "Teacher Interaction" and "Peer Interaction" are of low quality, while "Task Orientation" is of medium to high quality. 3. Consistency and Stability of inCLASS Testing by Teachers in Inclusive Classroom. (1) Inter-rater Reliability, is observed, as the scoring results from different evaluators show close similarity. (2) inCLASS effectively helps understand the interaction status of children. (3) inCLASS effectively aids in adjusting teaching strategies. 4. Adjustable Directions for Teachers Using inCLASS Testing in Inclusive Classroom. (1) Strengthen the description of the origin and background context of the inCLASS scoring tool. (2) Match different time periods and activity types according to what the teacher needs to comprehensively understand the patterns of child interactions. Research Limitations and Recommendations: Due to variations in Inclusive Classroom compositions, findings may lack generalizability. Recommend slowing down classroom management to enhance interactions between preschoolers and teachers. Suggest creating integration-friendly collaborations and cooperative games to improve peer interaction quality. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 幼兒教育研究所 107157010 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107157010 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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