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Title: | 中國匿名社群軟體Soul App之使用者自我呈現及人際溝通研究 Users’ self-presentation and interpersonal communication of anonymous social app Soul |
Authors: | 呂佳郁 Lyu, Jia-Yu |
Contributors: | 林怡潔 Lin, Yi-Chieh 呂佳郁 Lyu, Jia-Yu |
Keywords: | 匿名軟體 印象管理 人際交往 社區文化 演算法 anonymous software impression management interpersonal communication community culture algorithm |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-02-01 11:29:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 匿名社交軟體逐步成為現代青年青睞的社交方式,提供了貼文發布、主頁設置、人際溝通和交友的平台。本研究採用半結構式訪談法和網路民族誌法,以Soul App用戶為觀察對象,旨在了解在匿名軟體中的日常發布是否存在自我展演、數位自我揭露或數位欺騙,同時深入探討匿名下的人際交往模式及二者的關聯性。 研究發現在用戶的呈現方面,即便在匿名軟體中,用戶也難以達到真正匿名,用戶依賴匿名的感覺確認自身是否處在匿名狀態,社區文化、軟體設定和網路匿名性都會影響用戶的匿名感。匿名使得用戶擁有高度模糊的前台和後台,用戶也可以創建分身處於假想狀態,形成更多元的自我認同。然而,一些用戶在匿名軟體中也難以忽視他人的存在,用戶會進行選擇性的數位自我揭露或採取印象管理策略,呈現一種矛盾性。在人際交往方面,匿名軟體中形成了一種特殊的語言流程,不帶目的性的聊天與線下交友準則相似,會進行隱性篩選。用戶的呈現行為成為約定俗成的標準,影響人際交流。想要發展更親密的關係則需要擁有長久的興趣愛好相似、提供情緒價值、聊天時間長、現實相關揭露和特殊時間點等等條件。儘管匿名環境更強調真誠和真實性,用戶仍需面對數位欺騙的挑戰,使得線上人際交往變得複雜。最後,匿名與演算法的關聯性使得社區樣貌和關係發展受到影響。匿名與否的界線愈發模糊,當代青年透過匿名軟體展現出獨特的生存方式和溝通樣貌,改變了人際交往的模式。 Anonymous social software has gradually become a social method favored by contemporary youth, providing a platform for posting posts, setting up homepages, interpersonal communication and making friends. This study adopts semi-structured interview method and cyber-ethnography methods, taking Soul App users as its subject, aiming to discuss whether there is self-disaplay, digital self-disclosing or digital deception in daily postings in anonymous software, and at the same time deeply explore the interpersonal communication under anonymity and the correlation between the two. The research finds that in terms of users’ presentation, even in anonymous software, it is difficult for users to achieve true anonymity. Users rely on their sense of anonymity to confirm that they are in a state of anonymity. Community culture, software settings and network anonymity all affect users' sense of anonymity. Anonymity allows users to have a highly blurred frontstage and backstage, Users also have the possibility to create avatars in imaginary states, which develops a more diverse self-identity. However, some users find it difficult to ignore the existence of others in anonymous software, users engage in selective digital self-disclosure or adopt impression management strategies, which reflects a kind of ambivalence. In terms of users’ interpersonal communication, a special language process is formed in anonymous software. Chatting without purpose is similar to the rules of offline friendship, but with implicit filtering during the whole chatting process. Users’ presentation behavior becomes a conventional standard and affects interpersonal communication. Developing a more intimate relationship requires long-term similarity of interests, providing emotional value, chatting for a long period, more disclosures, special time points and some other things. Anonymous environment makes sincerity and authenticity extremely important, users still face the challenge of digital deception, complicating online interpersonal interactions. Finally, when anonymity is associated with algorithms, it has an impact on the development of communities and relationships. The boundary between anonymity and non-anonymity is becoming increasingly blurred, which has changed the mode of interpersonal communication to a certain extent and reflects the unique lifestyle and communication style of contemporary youth. |
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