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Title: | 影響消費者使用行動支付之因素探討─以台灣 Pay 與 PX Pay 為例 Factors Affecting the Adoption of Mobile Payment Systems─ A Case Study of Taiwan Pay and PX Pay |
Authors: | 黃芃語 Wong, Peng-Yu |
Contributors: | 朱琇妍 Chu, Shiou-Yen 黃芃語 Wong, Peng-Yu |
Keywords: | 台灣 Pay PX Pay 行動支付 消費價值理論 科技接受模型 Taiwan Pay PX Pay Mobile Payment Theory of Consumption Value Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2024-02-01 11:20:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 受到 2020 年新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情蔓延影響,民眾生活習慣為之轉變,進而改變消費支付模式,從消費者慣用的現金支付轉化成以行動支付為主。本國由財政部督導公股銀行與財金資訊股份有限公司合作的支付品牌──台灣 Pay,自 2017年 11 月推行至今,民眾對於台灣 Pay 的實際使用及接受度仍有增長的空間。參照全聯福利中心於 2019 年 5 月推行自家品牌 PX Pay,甫推出就成功凝聚眾多使用者的支持。本研究以台灣 Pay 與 PX Pay 為例,探討影響消費者使用這兩種行動支付的主要因素,運用消費價值理論及科技接受模型設立架構來測量哪些因素影響使用者的選擇。研究結果發現使用者認同台灣 Pay 的優勢在於轉帳、繳稅及無卡提款等功能,疫情影響確實提供台灣 Pay 推展契機,而在政府建構維護之下,使用者對於台灣 Pay 的安全性也有較高認同。台灣 Pay 的劣勢部分則是廣告宣傳不足,以及可再多增加優惠促銷活動。 Due to the spread of COVID-19 in 2020, people’s living habits have changed. There has been a transformation of their consumption payment mode from cash to mobile payments. Taiwan Pay, a mobile payment brand supervised by the Ministry of Finance, is promoted by the public banks and the Financial Information Service Co., LTD. It launched in September 2017, but there is still room for growth in the users’ actual usage and acceptance of Taiwan Pay. This is in contrast to PX Pay, a private mobile payment brand initiated by PX Mart in May 2019. Many of PX Mart’s patrons adopted PX Pay after its launch. Taking Taiwan Pay and PX Pay as examples, this study explores the main factors that affect consumers’ adoption of these two types of mobile payments. It combines the Theory of Consumption Value and the Technology Acceptance Model to establish a framework and determine factors that affect users’ choices. The results show that the advantages of Taiwan Pay are the features of making transfers, tax payments and cardless withdrawals which earned approval by users. The impact of the epidemic did provide a turning point for Taiwan Pay. Since Taiwan Pay is under the construction and maintenance of the government, users also have a high recognition of the security of Taiwan Pay. The disadvantages of Taiwan Pay are the lack of an advertising campaign and the possibility of adding more promotional offers. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 110921046 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110921046 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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