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    Title: 多模態設計模型塑造人形機器人內中外性格特徵
    An Exploration of Multimodal Communication for Developing Extrovert, Ambivert, and Introvert Robot
    Authors: 呂玟逸
    Lu, Wen-I
    Contributors: 簡士鎰
    Chien, Shih-Yi
    Lu, Wen-I
    Keywords: 人機互動
    Multimodal communication
    Personality traits
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 10:56:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著人形機器人技術的持續進步,機器人在公共場所的出現越來越普遍,並參與人與人形機器人的互動(HHRI)。不同於傳統資訊系統,人形機器人具有類人的外觀,能夠利用其身體特徵與人類互動。人與人之間的交流通常涉及多模態溝通,包括語言以及非語言等方式。非語言溝通不僅確保了訊息完整傳遞,也增強了情境感知。在HHRI中,了解多模態非語言溝通的潛在影響至關重要,因為它與人與人之間的互動有所不同。此外,機器人的個性在HHRI中也非常重要,它影響著人類的行為和互動方式。除了外部特徵之外,機器人的個性特質(例如外向性、親和性、負責性、開放性和神經質),通過大五人格量表(BFI)測量也是實現成功人機溝通的關鍵因素。在HHRI研究中,外向和內向特質被經常討論,但許多人同時展現了兩者的特質,即屬於中性人格。因此,為了全面了解HHRI中的機器人個性,必須檢驗不同人格特質(即外向型、內向型和中性)的影響。本研究探討了不同機器人個性特質的多模態溝通影響,具體包括使用語言以及身體動作和手勢行為來表達相關的人格特質。語言線索包含語速而非語言線索包括頭部和身體,手勢動作則運用了運動幅度、速度和頻率等。本研究通過七項實驗,展示了參與者能夠通過語言結合非語言線索成功感知機器人的不同個性。我們也分別研究了在基金投資和保險情境的感知差異。我們發現:1) 具有中性設置的機器人表現出更高的適應性;2) 參與者對基金投資情境的機器人有更明顯的反應;3) 在保險情境,受測者對三種機器人的偏好沒有明顯差異;4) 機器人的性格不影響受測者選擇不同風險等級的商品。這些發現與現實中的機器人產生更強的聯繫,為提升人機溝通和開發更有效的HHRI策略提供了良好的基礎。
    With ongoing humanoid robotics advancements, these robots are more present in public spaces, participating in human-humanoid robot interaction (HHRI). Unlike conventional information systems, humanoid robots resemble humans and can physically interact. Humans often use multimodal communication, employing verbal and non-verbal cues, enhancing redundancy and situational awareness. In HHRI, grasping the impact of multimodal non-communication is vital, differing from human-human interaction. Beyond physical features, robot personality significantly influences human behavior and interaction. Traits like extraversion, agreeableness, responsibility, openness, and neuroticism (measured by the Big Five Inventory) play a crucial role in human-robot communication. Among them, extraversion and introversion are commonly studied, but many individuals exhibit qualities of both, falling into the 'ambivert' category. This study explores the effects of robot multimodal communication across the personality spectrum, including extrovert, introvert, and ambivert, utilizing verbal and non-verbal cues (e.g., gestures and movements) to express these traits. This study, through seven experiments, demonstrated that participants could successfully perceive different personalities of robots by multimodal cues. In investment fund and life insurance contexts, the studies indicated that 1) ambivert robots exhibited greater adaptability, 2) participants perceived more distinct personalities in the investment fund context, 3) there was no significant difference in preferences for the three robot types in the insurance context; 4) the robot's personality did not impact participants' product choices with varying risk levels. These findings hold relevance for practical service robots. This research provides fundamental guidelines to improve human-robot communication and develop more effective HHRI strategies.
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