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Title: | 探究青少年服務活動經驗與正向少年發展之關聯性 Examining the Association between Youth Service Experience and Positive Youth Development |
Authors: | 陳奕廷 Chen, Yi-Ting |
Contributors: | 楊佩榮 Yang, Pei-Jung 陳奕廷 Chen, Yi-Ting |
Keywords: | 青少年 志願服務 服務學習 正向經驗 正向少年發展 5Cs 中介作用 Adolescence Volunteering Service learning Positive experiences Positive youth development Five Cs Mediating effects |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2024-01-02 15:34:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以正向少年發展觀點(Positive Youth Development, PYD)為基礎,旨在探討服務活動(志願服務、服務學習)及其類型(標準性、社會性)與青少年正向發展的關聯性,欲瞭解服務活動參與和投入狀況是否影響青少年的正向發展,並理解過程中「什麼樣的正向經驗」會促成正向發展結果,探究的正向經驗包含生活技能培養的機會、角色責任的體驗、利社會的關係、正向成人關係,及探索自我的經驗。
本研究採用量化研究的問卷調查法,研究對象為臺北市和南投縣高中一、二年級的青少年,取得535份有效樣本,資料分析使用SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)for Windows version 26。主要研究結果如下: (一) 有參與服務活動的青少年,其正向發展程度顯著高於沒參與任何服務活動的青少年。 (二) 服務型的社會性服務活動數量能預測正向發展程度,而庶務型的標準性服務活動則不然。 (三) 正向經驗皆有利於青少年正向發展,且中介分析結果顯示,青少年在服務活動中的「時間投入」和「心理投入」,不僅能且大部分是透過「正向經驗」來促進「正向發展」。
總括而言,青少年參與及投入服務活動與正向發展具有關聯性,不論其為志願服務或服務學習。然而,相對於庶務性的標準性服務活動,社會性服務活動更能帶動青少年的正向發展,且相對於時間投入長短,參與過程中的技能培養、角色責任和利社會關係等正向經驗更為重要。 本研究發現有品質的服務活動皆為潛在的有利於青少年正向發展的途徑之一,活動經驗和實際內容的正向特質比活動種類更為重要,青少年政策與實務應推廣持續性的服務活動以創造與能力、責任、人際連結相關的正向經驗。 This study is grounded in the framework of Positive Youth Development (PYD) and aims to investigate the relationship between service activities (volunteering, service learning) and their types (standard service, social cause service) and the positive development of adolescents. The goal is to understand whether the participation and engagement in service activities impact the positive development of youth and to comprehend the process through “which specific positive experiences” contribute to positive development. The explored positive experiences encompass opportunities for adolescents to cultivate life skills, assume role responsibilities, engage in prosocial relationships, establish positive relationships with adults, and explore self-discovery.
This study employed a quantitative research methodology through a questionnaire survey. The research subjects were adolescents in the first and second grades of high schools in Taipei City and Nantou County. A total of 535 valid samples were obtained, and data analysis was conducted using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for Windows version 26. The main research findings are as follows: (1) Adolescents participating in service activities demonstrated a significantly higher level of positive development compared to those who did not engage in any service activities. (2) The quantity of service-oriented social cause service activities predicts the level of positive development, whereas routine standard service activities do not exhibit the same predictive effect. (3) Positive experiences are beneficial to the positive development of adolescents. Mediation analysis results indicate that the “time investment” and “psychological engagement” of adolescents in service activities not only can but mostly do facilitate “positive development” through “positive experiences.”
In summary, the participation and engagement of adolescents in service activities are correlated with positive development, whether through volunteering or service learning. However, in comparison to routine standard service activities, social cause service activities have a stronger impact on driving the positive development of adolescents. Furthermore, relative to the duration of time invested, positive experiences such as skill building, experiential role responsibilities, and prosocial relationships during the participation process are deemed more crucial. This study reveals that high-quality service activities represent potential pathways conducive to the positive development of adolescents. The positive characteristics of activity experiences and their actual content outweigh the significance of activity types. Policies and practices in adolescent development should promote sustainable service activities to create positive experiences related to abilities, responsibility, and interpersonal connections. |
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