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    題名: 中國式多元治理:以中國大陸網路直播治理為例
    The Chinese Approach to Pluralistic Governance: A Study of Live Streaming Governance in Mainland China
    作者: 劉佳
    Liu, Jia
    貢獻者: 劉幼琍
    Liu, Yu-Li
    Liu, Jia
    關鍵詞: 網路直播
    Live streaming
    media governance
    mainland China
    internet governance
    日期: 2023
    上傳時間: 2024-01-02 15:33:38 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 數位媒體的發展不僅改變了訊息的傳播方式,也持續影響和重塑著媒體治理。近十年來,中國大陸的網路直播以驚人的速度迅猛發展,成為擁有7.5億用戶的龐大產業,同時也對傳統的命令控制式媒體監管帶來了巨大挑戰。面對新興媒體所帶來的衝擊,中國大陸在網際網路時代的媒體治理範式轉移成為媒介政策和法規研究領域的重要課題。
    The rise of digital media has not only changed the way information is disseminated, but it also continues to influence and reshape media governance. Over the past decade, live streaming in Mainland China has experienced exponential growth, becoming a massive industry with 750 million users. It has also posed significant challenges to the traditional command-and-control style of media regulation. Faced with the impacts and challenges brought by emerging media, the paradigm shift in media governance in Mainland China's internet era has become an important topic of study in the field of media policy and regulation.
    When it comes to online audio-visual media, particularly live streaming services, there is no single regulatory model that can effectively address the complex challenges of media governance in the internet era. The study of online audio-visual media governance lacks a dynamic and comprehensive analytical framework. The governance of the internet on a global scale is complex and diverse, but there is no unified definition or characterization of pluralistic governance. In particular, research on media governance in Mainland China often adopts an ideological opposition stance, making it difficult to objectively present the changes that have occurred. In this context, this research aims to examine the current state of live streaming media development in Mainland China, its impact on media governance, and the regulatory approaches adopted by Mainland China. The study also aims to analyze the governance model and characteristics of live streaming media in Mainland China. This research involves in-depth interviews with government officials, scholars, industry practitioners, and community members involved in live streaming services, as well as content analysis of 25 documents and 526 items of live streaming policies and regulations.
    This research provides an overview of the media governance paradigm by incorporating concepts of media governance, the social construction of technology, and comparative institutional theory. It establishes a dynamic and comprehensive framework for analyzing media governance, focusing on the characteristics of live streaming media in Mainland China within the technological, industrial/market, and cultural subsystems, as well as their impact on policies and regulations. The study analyzes the current state of live streaming media governance in Mainland China using the conceptual framework of media governance, examining governance concepts, entities, policies, and regulations as key elements. A comparative analysis is conducted between the governance of live streaming media in Mainland China, the United States, and the European Union, highlighting the distinctive features of Chinese-style pluralistic governance. These features include a government-centric approach to diverse governance entities, emphasis on operator responsibility in content supervision, focused categorical governance, and the presence of boundaries on freedom of speech. This research serves as a valuable case study for understanding the paradigm shift in media governance in Mainland China and the development of media policy and regulation research in the internet era.
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