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    Title: 內容創作者會不會被生成式人工智慧取代?
    Will Generative AIs replace content creator jobs?
    Authors: 張曼娜
    Techalertkamol, Mananya
    Contributors: 卞中佩
    Pien, Chung-Pei
    Mananya Techalertkamol
    Keywords: 內部內容創作者
    In-house content creator
    Impact of Generative AIs
    United States
    Job ads analysis
    career development
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-01-02 15:32:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究 “內容創作者是否被生成式人工智慧取代?” 旨在深入了解當前內部內容創作者就業市場以及生成式人工智慧發展帶來的機會和挑戰。本研究對一千多條內容創作者的招聘廣告進行了文字分析,以提取內容創作者的任務、所需技能和其他就業要求。隨後,本研究根據任務特徵和Gen-AI工具的能力製定了一個評估框架,對Gen-AI的影響進行分類和評估。


    The project “Will Generative AIs replace content creator jobs?” aims to provide insights into the current in-house content creator job market as well as opportunities and challenges caused by the development of Generative AIs. The project conducted text analysis on over a thousand content creator's job advertisements to extract content creators’ tasks, required skills, and other employment requirements. Subsequently, the project developed a rubric to classify and evaluate impact of Gen-AI, based on task characteristics and Gen-AI tools’ capability.

    From task-based evaluation, the project found that Gen-AI tools can enhance over half and automate about 20% of a content creator’s tasks. Entry-level content creators will be affected by Gen-AI the most as their works are related to content production, which is Gen-AI’s strength. Furthermore, the application of Gen-AI is very diverse. The tools can also partially support strategy planning, research and development, marketing and sales, and workflow optimization. Thus, higher-level content creators, who respond to a broader range of responsibilities, are likely to engage more with Gen-AI tools.

    In summary, Gen-AI cannot directly replace content creator jobs since most tasks still need human intervention to be completed effectively. However, the Gen-AI tool is forecasted to become part of daily work because it can increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve organizational competitiveness. Given the context of rapid work role transformation, content creators should take this opportunity to advance the required skills for strategic tasks. In addition, proactively learning and effectively integrating Gen-AI tools and other advanced technologies into work will help content creators stay competitive in the labor market in the rapidly evolving technology context.
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