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    Title: 觸法少年資訊揭露之界限 —以少年事件處理法第83條及第83條之1為中心
    The Boundary of Information Protection for Juvenile offenders —Focus on Articles 83 and 83-1 of the Juvenile Delinquency Act
    Authors: 張馨尹
    Chang, Hsin-Yin
    Contributors: 謝如媛
    Chang, Hsin-Yin
    Keywords: 健全成長
    healthy growth
    Information Protection for Juvenile delinquency
    Report Freedom of Media
    Juvenile Delinquency Act
    the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act
    a reader may have sufficient data to identity juvenile
    Public Interests
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-01-02 15:23:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 相比於過去資訊傳遞緩慢,現今網際網路發達,若觸法少年個人資料一經曝光,可以預見社會大眾將拼湊公開訊息以辨識少年身分,如此結果,恐與我國少年事件處理之「保障少年健全成長」目的相互悖離。為避免對於觸法少年資訊過度及不當揭露,目前針對少年觸法之現行法規範,包含有少年事件處理法第34條、第73條、第83條、第83條之1,和兒童及少年福利與權益保障法第69條等,雖看似立法詳盡周全,卻仍有諸多適用上的疑慮,尚待我國少年法制政策提出建議解決。
    In contrast to the slow transmission of information in the past, the Internet is now so advanced that once the personal information of a juvenile is revealed, it is foreseeable that the public will collect information together to identify the juvenile, which may be contrary to the purpose of "safeguarding the healthy growth of juveniles" while handling juvenile cases. In order to avoid excessive and inappropriate disclosure of information about juveniles in conflict with the law, the current legal framework for juvenile delinquency includes Articles 34, 73, 83, 83-1 of the Juvenile Delinquency Act and Article 69 of the The Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, etc. Though the legislation seems to be comprehensive, there are still a lot of concerns about its application, which have to be resolved through the juvenile legal system policy in Taiwan.
    In order to eliminate the aforementioned doubts, this article compares Japanese law, United States law, British law and European Union law, and analyzes the legislation and judgments of each country to become an example for the protection of juvenile information in our country. Looking forward to the future development of the system, in order to eradicate the problems arising from the disclosure of juvenile information by the media, we would summarize our observations of the current situation of the media in Taiwan and refer to the contents of the systems of other countries, in addition to clarifying the contents, find out the deficiencies of the existing laws, and consider the inadequacies of the foreign laws. As we can see from those foreign laws, which emphasize too much on the protection of public interest, but neglect the core concept of Juvenile Delinquency Act: the principle of the priority of protection. This paper believes that, regarding how to draw the boundary of juvenile information disclosure, the focus should be returned to the legislative purpose of Article 1 of the Juvenile Delinquency Act, which is to "safeguard the healthy self-development of juveniles", and the consideration of the freedom of the press should be placed behind the interest of the juveniles. Focusing on the protection of the interests of the healthy growth of juveniles is the ultimate goal of the juvenile justice system.
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