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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/148544

    Title: 探討文字冒險類型之新聞遊戲的敘事人稱及結局成敗對助人意願的影響:以敘利亞難民為主題
    Exploring the Effects of Narrative Point of View and Ending Outcome in Text Adventure Newsgames on Willingness to Help: A Case Study on the Syrian Refugee Crisis Issue
    Authors: 沈惟中
    Shen, Wei-Chung
    Contributors: 林日璇
    Lin, Jih-Hsuan
    Shen, Wei-Chung
    Keywords: 新聞遊戲
    narrative point of view
    success or failure of the game ending
    willingness to help
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-12-01 13:58:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在媒體數位化的時代下,新聞遊戲成為了解議題的新興途徑。然而,相關研究聚焦於新聞遊戲的定義及敘事策略,卻甚少檢視新聞遊戲對閱聽人的實際效用,特別是探討其中哪些元素會影響態度及行為意願。本研究著眼於文字冒險類型的新聞遊戲,創作出一款呈現敘利亞難民出逃歷程的遊戲,並以網路實驗法執行3(敘事人稱:第一人稱、第二人稱及第三人稱敘事)X 2(結局:成功及失敗)的組間實驗,觀察暴露在六組不同情境的受試者,對難民的態度、認知及情感同理、協助意願是否不同,且角色代入感是否為中介因素,最後總計收回214份有效樣本。
    Existing research on newsgames focused on definition and narrative strategies, with little examination of their actual utility among audiences, especially in terms of which elements influence attitudes. This study centers on text-based adventure-type news games, creating a game that portrays the journey of Syrian refugees. Using a web-based experimental approach, a 3 (Narrative Perspective: First-person, Second-person, and Third-person) x 2 (Endings: Success and Failure) between-groups experiment was conducted, exposing participants to six different scenarios. The study observed whether participants' attitudes, cognition, emotional empathy, and willingness to assist refugees differed across these scenarios, with identification as a potential mediating factor.
    In total, 214 valid samples were collected. Results indicate that second-person narrative significantly enhances participants' cognitive empathy compared to third-person narrative. Furthermore, a failed ending can promote willingness to help through negative emotions, while a successful ending can stimulate cognitive and emotional empathy, as well as willingness to assist, through the level of emotional intensity.
    This research expands the empirical research landscape in the field of news games and provides practical recommendations for those designing newsgames. Future research is suggested to continue exploring which elements are effective in different types and themes of newsgames and investigate the effects of internal mechanisms such as emotional responses.
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