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Title: | 泰雅族家庭的族語傳承與使用 Language Inheritance and Language Use in the Tayal Familie |
Authors: | 高秀玉 Kao, Hsiu-yu |
Contributors: | 王雅萍 Wang,Ya-Ping 高秀玉 Kao,Hsiu-yu |
Keywords: | 原住民族語言 泰雅族 族語使用 族語傳承 族語優勢家庭 族語轉用家庭 Indigenous language Tayal people language use language inheritance ethnic language dominant family ethnic language shift family |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2023-12-01 13:54:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣原住民族語言受到政經發展與社會變遷的影響,各族族語活力指數普遍低落。然而,各族的族語使用情況不盡相同,族語在家庭當中的世代傳承也鮮少有實證研究,需要細緻的比較與觀察。 本研究聚焦於當代泰雅族家庭的族語使用及傳承情形,透過兩個泰雅族原鄉—新竹縣尖石鄉與新北市烏來區,運用田野調查與深度訪談,探討不同地區的泰雅族家庭是否因社會背景差異而產生變異,著眼於觀察家庭成員間的族語使用實況,進一步分析造成家庭族語傳承不利的可能因素。 本研究將泰雅族家庭的語言使用區分為族語優勢家庭和族語轉用家庭兩類,研究結果發現,在族語優勢家庭裡,家長的族語意識,以及是否堅持在家使用族語,是族語傳承的有利條件;在族語轉用家庭裡,家長為了讓子女適應大社會的競爭以及受到外部環境的影響,族語傳承面臨挑戰。上述兩類家庭的族語使用的影響因素,有以下三點:(1)通婚家庭,雖然其族語能力未必居於弱勢,然而在研究案例中,並未發現通婚家庭將族語做為家庭主要語言的情形。另外,家庭成員一旦移居至都會地區,缺乏世代間使用族語對話的環境,也導致族語傳承難以維持。(2)教會的族語使用,教會對家庭的族語使用有正面影響,在教會裡可學習族語,補強家庭中無法提供的族語環境,也有助於族語意識的提升。(3)學校的族語教育,雖然學校對族語教學相當重視,但單倚靠學校的族語教育來復振族語並非易事,家庭成員的族語使用態度與傳承實踐仍顯重要。 Taiwanese indigenous languages have been affected by political and economic and development and social changes, resulting in the indices of indigenous language vitality are generally low. However, the use of ethnic languages varies among all ethnic groups, and there are few empirical studies on the generational inheritance of indigenous languages in families, which requires more detailed comparison and exploration. This thesis focus on language use and language inheritance in contemporary Tayal families by means of the methods of fieldwork and in-depth interviews, and make a comparative research between the two indigenous townships, Jianshih of Hsinchu County and Wulai of New Taipei City. It is examined whether there are variations in the social backgrounds of Tayal families in different indigenous regions, and focuses on observing the practical use of the indigenous language among family members. Furthermore, the possible disadvantage factors contributing to the inheritance of the indigenous language in the family is analyzed. The situations of language use of Tayal families in this thesis are categorized into two types: ethnic language dominant families and ethnic language shift families. The findings of this study show that in ethnic language dominant families, the indigenous language awareness of the parents and whether they insist on using indigenous language at home are favorable conditions for language inheritance, while in ethnic language shift families, the inheritance of the indigenous language is challenged by the fact that the parents hope their children adapt to the competition of majority society and for the external environment. There are three factors affecting the use of indigenous language in these two types of Tayal families: (1) Inter-ethnic marriage families. Although these family members may not be at a disadvantage in terms of ethnic language proficiency, this study did not find any case of inter-ethnic marriage families using indigenous language as the dominant language in family. In addition, once family members move to the urban area, since the lack of intergenerational conversation in indigenous language, which makes it difficult to maintain the family language inheritance. (2) The use of indigenous languages in churches. Churches have a positive impact on the language use in the family, as indigenous languages can be learned in churches, complementing the language environment that families cannot provide and helping to raise awareness of indigenous languages. (3) Indigenous language education in schools. Although schools are paying more attention to the indigenous language teaching than before, it is not easy to revitalize indigenous language solely relying on native language education in schools, and the attitude of family members towards the use of indigenous language and the practice of language inheritance still have an important impact. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 民族學系 94259004 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094259004 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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