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    Title: 歐盟永續金融揭露規範之探討與影響
    The Discussion and Influence on Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation of European Union
    Authors: 張惠龍
    Chang, Hui-Lung
    Contributors: 王文杰
    Wang, Wen-Chieh
    Chang, Hui-Lung
    Keywords: 永續金融揭露
    Sustainable financial disclosure
    Regulatory technical standard
    Financial market participant
    Financial adviser
    Zero carbon emission
    Label index
    Principal adverse impact
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-12-01 13:41:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 為因應全球氣候變遷所造成的環境惡化,以及履行巴黎協定減碳方針及達成聯合國永續發展目標,以朝向2050年氣候中立願景邁進,金融機構在引導資金至永續經濟活動上,扮演著舉足輕重的角色;再者,為提供對永續金融投資者決策參考,並防止金融產品或財務顧問服務存有漂綠情事,故就其資訊揭露以達公開、透明與完整性,甚為重要;而當前歐盟在永續金融相關領域中,無論就其政策規範擬定,及實務推展落實,可蔚為全球之先驅與標竿。


    In response to the environmental degradation caused by global climate change, as well as to implement the carbon reduction guidelines of the Paris Agreement and achieve the sustainable development goals of the United Nations, in order to move towards the vision of climate neutrality in 2050, financial institutions take charge of a pivotal role in channeling funds to sustainable economic activities. Furthermore, in order to provide decision-making reference for sustainable financial investors and to prevent greenwashing of financial products or consulting services, it is very important to disclose information to achieve openness, transparency and integrity. At present, in the related fields of sustainable finance, the European Union can serve as a pioneer and benchmark for various countries, regardless of the promulgation of its policies and regulations, or the implementation of practical promotion.

    For the requirements and practices of sustainable financial disclosure, the European Union enacted Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation in 2019, and continued to EU Taxonomy and Regulatory Technical Standard to improve sustainable financial development and fully disclose information. First of all, this thesis will mainly focus on the EU Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation and related Taxonomy and Standard, and elaborate on its legislation background and clauses respectively. Thereafter is to collect, discuss and analyze the current relevant regulations and practices formulated by Taiwan and other major countries in the promotion of sustainable finance and climate and environmental protection.

    At the end of this thesis, in response to the international trend of sustainable financial disclosure in the future development of relevant legislation and practice by Taiwan, it is proposed to establish consistent relevant regulation, standards or chapter on sustainable financial disclosure, gives a full play to the influence and driving force of financial institutions in sustainable finance and green investment, strengthen international cooperation and exchanges to master the development process and trends of global sustainable finance, improve sustainable finance and classification standard data, and talent cultivation, as well as clarifying the role positioning of each competent authority to establish and improve sustainable financial transformation and supervision and other opinions and suggestions, it is hereby for consideration.
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