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    Title: 太陽花學運後的臺灣青年參政者:動機、機遇與政治資本
    Youth Political Activists after the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan: Motivations, Opportunities and Political capitals
    Authors: 李凌風
    Li, Ling-Feng
    Contributors: 魏玫娟
    Wei, Mei-Chuan
    Li, Ling-Feng
    Keywords: 臺灣
    Youth Political Participation
    Political capital
    Political Participation
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-12-01 13:40:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「參政」在過往認知中被認定為精英事務,參政者亦被視為社會的精英,然而既有研究指出青年屬「政治冷感」群體,遠離政治事務。太陽花學運之後,臺灣青年在政治場域參與增多,青年參政議題也廣受臺灣社會關注。本研究以35歲以下的青年議員參選人和青年政治幕僚為研究對象,透過半結構式訪談,旨在探討太陽花學運之後臺灣青年參政者參政的動機、機遇與政治資本,試圖深入瞭解為何青年決定參政及如何規劃其政治職業生涯。研究發現,太陽花學運的刺激、法律對青年參政門檻的下修、政府與政黨對青年態度變化等因素,令青年更有機會投身政治場域參政。臺灣青年參政除了與其個人生命經驗及政治機遇高度相關外,亦與「太陽花學運」以及對自身對周遭環境與事件關注程度相關。青年參政者對其政治職業生涯的規劃,則是與其政治資本相關,是影響其決定參政跟參選的關鍵因素;而隨著社會對政治的態度轉變以及,也讓臺灣青年把參政當成一份普通工作,而非菁英專屬。本研究在既有政治菁英以及青年參政研究的基礎上進行延展,提出動機、機遇與政治資本因素會影響青年參政者的政治選擇以及政治職涯發展。
    "Political participation" has traditionally been seen as an elite affair, with activists seen as members of the social elite. In the past, young people were often categorised as a group of "political apathy", disengaged from political affairs. However, following the Sunflower Movement, young people in Taiwan have become increasingly involved in the political arena, and issues related to youth participation in politics have attracted attention in Taiwanese society. This thesis focuses on young candidates and political aides under the age of 35 as research subjects, using semi-structured interviews as the primary research method. It explores the motivations, opportunities and political capital of young political participants to answer why young people choose to engage in politics and how they plan their political careers. The study's findings suggest that factors such as the stimulus provided by the Sunflower Movement, the lowering of the threshold for youth political participation through legal changes, and changes in government and party attitudes towards youth have created more opportunities for youth engagement in the political arena in Taiwan. Young people's involvement in politics in Taiwan is not only strongly related to their personal life experiences and political opportunities, but also correlates with the impact of the Sunflower Movement and their level of engagement with their environment and events. The political career planning of young political participants is linked to their political capital, which is a critical factor influencing their decisions to engage in politics and run for office. As societal attitudes towards politics evolve, Taiwanese youth increasingly view political participation as a regular activity rather than an exclusive domain of the elite. Building on existing research on political elites and youth political participation, this study extends the analysis to propose that motivations, opportunities, and political capital factors significantly influence the political choices and career development of young political participants.
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