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    Title: 府際治理下跨專業協力運作效能之研究:以COVID-19期間北區某集中檢疫所為例
    A Study of Interdisciplinary Collaboration Performance under Intergovernmental Governance: A Case Study of a Quarantine Site in Northern Taiwan during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Authors: 王偉良
    Wang, Wei-Liang
    Contributors: 陳敦源
    Chen, Dun-Yuan
    Wang, Wei-Liang
    Keywords: 嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎
    Quarantine Site
    intergovernmental governance
    interdisciplinary collaboration
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-12-01 11:51:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)於2020年起席捲全球,確診死亡人數不計其數,為防範COVID-19進入國門,保障國人安全,我國首次設置集中檢疫所,專責處理入境人民進行隔離、檢疫等措施。集中檢疫所制度本適用跨域治理理論探討之,藉由各單位之跨部門、跨專業等方式共同執行之,形成跨域治理之態樣,然而政府在防疫視同作戰之情況下,單純之跨域治理已難以因應,故此時需從跨域治理回歸至府際治理,藉由政府的介入讓各單位協同合作,共同執行防疫政策,以集中檢疫所為研究核心,透過文獻分析、參與觀察、深度訪談等方式討論之,其中包含集中檢疫所之沿革、法令、措施、功能及建構過程等,讓讀者充分了解集中檢疫所存在之理由、目的與成效,並探討府際治理及跨專業協力下,對集中檢疫所內之垂直與水平互動關係之運作成效如何。
    COVID-19 has swept across the globe since 2020, with countless confirmed cases and fatalities. To prevent the entry of COVID-19 and safeguard the safety of our citizens, our country established centralized quarantine facilities for the first time. These facilities are responsible for isolation, quarantine, and other measures for incoming individuals. The system of centralized quarantine facilities aligns with the theory of cross-domain governance, implemented through various units collaborating across departments and professions, forming a cross-domain governance framework.
    However, in the context of the government treating epidemic prevention as a form of warfare, a simplistic approach to cross-domain governance may no longer suffice. At such times, it becomes necessary to shift from cross-domain governance to intergovernmental governance. This involves government intervention to facilitate cooperation among various units in the execution of epidemic prevention policies. This research centers on centralized quarantine facilities and is discussed through literature analysis, participant observation, in-depth interviews, and other methods. It encompasses the historical development, legal regulations, measures, functions, and construction processes of centralized quarantine facilities.
    The study aims to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the rationale, purpose, and effectiveness of centralized quarantine facilities. It also explores the operational effectiveness of vertical and horizontal interactions within centralized quarantine facilities under intergovernmental governance and cross-professional collaboration.
    The research findings indicate that the implementation of epidemic prevention policies relies on the unique power relationships between the government and civil servants. Relevant execution techniques are developed through cross-professional collaboration. In intergovernmental governance, the efficiency of vertical interaction relationships involves laws, regulations, personnel, and resources. The efficiency of horizontal interaction relationships includes experience sharing and population movement. Other interaction relationships depend on the government's cultivation of relationships with various network units.
    Furthermore, the efficiency of vertical interaction relationships in cross-professional collaboration involves central support, encouragement, advocacy, and promotion for staff to effectively execute policies. However, the lack of sufficient legal authorization often places staff on the horns of a dilemma during duty. The efficiency of horizontal interaction relationships necessitates the establishment of clear task objectives. This can be achieved through negotiation and the use of legal ambiguity to overcome obstacles caused by insufficient legal authorization. Leadership behavior strengthens organizational identity. However, subsequent policy adjustments, concerns about fairness in duty allocation, and the resulting difficulty in staff retention may lead to friction within cross-professional collaboration, affecting operational efficiency.
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