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Title: | 以國際投資法論強化跨國企業之企業社會責任 —以勞動權益為中心- Strengthen the corporate social responsibility of multinational enterprises under international investment law - Focus on labor rights and interests |
Authors: | 鄭宇倫 Zheng, Yu-Lun |
Contributors: | 薛景文 Hsueh, Ching-Wen 鄭宇倫 Zheng Yu-Lun |
Keywords: | 企業社會責任 勞動權益 國際投資協定 Corporate Social Responsibility Labor right International Investment Agreements |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-12-01 10:51:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在全球化的發酵下,各企業為了使自身之營利最大化,在經濟上的活動漸漸不僅限於自身國內的發展,許多企業會選擇擴張商業版圖,利用國際投資的方式達到更高的獲益。然而當跨國企業在蓬勃發展的同時,企業所追球的經濟利益可能會對環境、人權或是勞工等議題產生許多負面衝擊。因此企業社會責任逐漸走近人們眼中,期待跨國企業於進行國際貿易時能重視永續發展,然而企業社會責任並非在全球潮流積極推動下被徹底落實。 如今,企業社會責任已經逐漸從道德概念發展成社會規範,造就國際間許許多多的政府或非政府組織訂定出規範,如國際勞工組織通過的許多公約,試圖使用較具強硬的手段使跨國企業能確實落實企業社會責任。因此,本文將聚焦在企業社會責任囊括概念中的「勞動權益」,討論在國際組織在促進跨國企業保障勞動權益之規範狀況與成效如何。 接著,本文以合理的解釋認為若能以國際投資法的投資協定督促跨國企業保障勞動權益或許是一條有前景的選擇。因此,先歸納與整理出目前已存在且生效的國際投資協定中,有哪些保障勞動權益之條款,解釋該些條款是如何保障勞動權益,以及說明與地主國或跨國企業有哪些交互作用。 最後,觀察現今已存在且生效的勞動條款,探討該些條款為何不能有效的規範跨國企業維護勞動權益,提點出其缺陷為何。並且針對勞動條款於實質與程序上的問題,提出如何修正投資協定之條文以改善現今拘束跨國企業落實企業社會責任之侷限。 Under the fermentation of globalization, in order to maximize their profits, the economic activities of various enterprises are gradually not limited to their own domestic development, and many enterprises will choose to expand their business territory and use international investment to achieve higher benefits. Yet while multinational corporations are thriving, the economic interests they pursue can have many negative impacts on issues such as the environment, human rights or labor. Therefore, corporate social responsibility is gradually approaching people's eyes, and it is expected that multinational enterprises can attach importance to sustainable development when conducting international trade, but corporate social responsibility is not fully implemented under the active promotion of the global trend. Nowadays, corporate social responsibility has gradually developed from a moral concept into a social norm, resulting in many international governments or non-governmental organizations to formulate norms, such as many conventions adopted by the International Labor Organization, trying to use more forceful means to enable multinational enterprises to truly implement corporate social responsibility. Therefore, this paper will focus on "labor rights" in the concept of corporate social responsibility and discuss the normative status and effectiveness of international organizations in promoting the protection of labor rights in multinational enterprises. Then, with a reasonable explanation, this paper thinks that it may be a promising option to urge multinational enterprises to protect labor rights through investment agreements of international investment law. Therefore, it is necessary to summarize and sort out the existing and effective international investment agreements, which provisions protect labor rights, explain how these provisions protect labor rights, and explain the interaction with host countries or multinational enterprises. Finally, this article observes the existing and effective labor clauses, discusses why these clauses cannot effectively regulate multinational enterprises to safeguard labor rights and interests, and points out their defects. In view of the substantive and procedural problems of the labor clause, this paper proposes how to amend the provisions of the investment agreement to improve the current constraints on the implementation of corporate social responsibility by multinational enterprises. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 110351041 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110351041 |
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