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    Title: 台灣電子業經營績效之預測實證研究
    An Empirical Study on Predicting Business Performance of the Electronics Industry in Taiwan
    Authors: 鄭安庭
    Cheng, An-Ting
    Contributors: 邱奕嘉
    Chiu, Yi-Chia
    Cheng, An-Ting
    Keywords: 經濟附加價值
    Economic Value Added
    Value Drivers
    Business Performance
    Electronics Industry
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-12-01 10:39:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究針對近十年來所有的台灣電子業公司經營績效進行實證研究,透過企業內部的價值動因以及外部環境之因素,了解其對於企業表現所帶來的影響,並找出台灣電子業公司創造經濟利潤的重要因素。另外,本研究根據重要影響因素建立預測模型,提供企業更為明確而具體的指標作為參考,協助企業制定有效的策略、保持其競爭優勢。有鑒於傳統財務指標在評價企業表現上之缺失,本研究採以經濟附加價值 (Economic Value Added) 做為企業經營績效之衡量標準。

    This study conducts empirical research into the operational performance of all Taiwanese electronics industry companies over the past decade. It examines the internal value drivers and external environmental factors to understand their impact on corporate performance and identifies crucial factors contributing to economic profits generated by Taiwanese electronics companies. Additionally, the study establishes predictive models based on significant influencing factors, offering clearer and more specific indicators for enterprises to reference. This aids in formulating effective strategies and maintaining competitive advantages.

    Considering the limitations of traditional financial indicators in evaluating corporate performance, this research employs Economic Value Added (EVA) as the measurement standard for business operational performance. The analytical tools adopted in this study encompass multiple linear regression models, principal component analysis, and random forest regression models.

    Beyond the overall electronics industry analysis, companies within the electronics industry are categorized into eight sub-sectors based on Taiwan Stock Exchange. These sub-sectors include optoelectronics, semiconductors, information services, communication networks, electronic channels, electronic components, computers and peripherals, as well as other electronics sectors. Each sub-sector is analyzed individually to discern potential differences in the significant influencing factors.

    This study utilizes model to predict how a company's performance will change under the influence of various factors, providing specific indicators to assist businesses in formulating and adjusting management decisions.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110364118
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