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Title: | 以服務行銷金三角探討貿易商之服務策略–以台灣扣件產業為例 An Exploration of the Service Strategy of Trading Companies with the Framework of Service Marketing Triangle: Case Studies of Taiwanese Fastener Industry |
Authors: | 馮偉益 Feng, Wei-Yi |
Contributors: | 羅明琇 Lo, Ming-Shiow 馮偉益 Feng, Wei-Yi |
Keywords: | 扣件產業 貿易公司 全球供應鏈 服務行銷金三角 服務策略 Fastener industry Trading company Service marketing triangle Global supply chains Service strategy |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-12-01 10:36:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣的扣件產業以其完整的產業供應鏈與卓越的交期及品質聞名於世,這使得其出口量穩居全球第二,僅次於中國大陸,而出口金額位列全球第三,落後於中國大陸和德國。然而,台灣有超過3,131家扣件廠商,這亦突顯了此行業的競爭程度。面對過往「去中間化」的趨勢,以及現在後疫情時期全球供應鏈的變動,貿易公司必須思考如何強化自身競爭力。本研究採用服務行銷金三角模型,深入探討扣件產業中成功企業的特質,首先研究企業、客戶和員工這三大核心要素,再進一步從外部行銷、內部行銷和互動行銷的角度進行分析,並找出目前營運上的痛點,最後根據全球供應鏈趨勢提出對貿易公司的建議。
本研究深度分析了個案公司的成功關鍵,並進一步揭示傳統產業貿易公司在外部、內部以及互動行銷的挑戰:難以吸引新客戶、尋找合適人才的困難,以及在服務品質與成本間的權衡。鑒於全球供應鏈目前的發展趨向,本研究為從事各種進出口業務的企業,包括但不限於扣件產業,提供服務策略以供參考和應用。 Taiwan's fastener industry is renowned for its comprehensive industrial supply chain, exceptional delivery timelines, and product quality. This has placed its export volume stably at second in the world, surpassed only by Mainland China, while its export value ranks third globally, behind Mainland China and Germany. However, with over 3,131 fastener companies in Taiwan, it also highlights the intense competition in this sector. In the face of past industry challenges like "disintermediation" and the current shifts in the global supply chain in the post-pandemic era, trading companies must consider how to enhance their competitiveness. This study adopts the Service Marketing Triangle model, delving deeply into the characteristics of successful enterprises in the fastener industry. It first investigates the three core elements of businesses, customers, and employees, and then further analyzes from the perspectives of external marketing, internal marketing, and interactive marketing. After identifying the current operational pain points, the study proposes recommendations for trading companies based on global supply chain trends.
The research employs a qualitative approach, encompassing literature review, semi-structured in-depth interviews, and case study analysis. The findings reveal that, firstly, in terms of external marketing, businesses need to deeply understand the target market and the genuine needs of the customers to offer optimal solutions and solidify long-term partnerships. Secondly, in internal marketing strategies, establishing a corporate culture that resonates with employees is crucial, and continuous education and training are essential to enhance their capabilities, with appropriate salary adjustments serving as rewards. Lastly, in terms of interactive marketing, strengthening the professional service skills of employees is key, and businesses should consistently enhance their competitive edge in price, quality, and delivery timelines.
This research deeply analyzes the success keys of the case companies and further reveals challenges traditional industry trading companies face in external, internal, and interactive marketing: difficulties in attracting new customers, challenges in finding suitable talents, and finding the balance between service quality and cost. Given the current trends in the global supply chain, this study offers recommendations of service strategy for businesses engaged in various import and export activities, including but not limited to the fastener industry, for reference and implementation. |
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