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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/148471

    Title: 董事會及總經理性別多樣性與銀行業經營品質之關聯性
    The Effects of Gender Diversity of the Board and CEOs on Operational Quality of Banks
    Authors: 施瑩佳
    Shih, Ying-Chia
    Contributors: 陳鎮洲
    Shih, Ying-Chia
    Keywords: 女性總經理
    Female CEOs
    Female Directors
    Gender Diversity
    Banking Industry
    Operational Quality
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-12-01 10:28:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2015年,聯合國提出[2030永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)],如今國際間已逐漸重視性別平權,各國制定政策保障企業董事會維持一定比例的性別多樣性。本研究旨在探討讓女性參與重要管理與決策行為,與我國銀行業經營品質之間的關聯性。研究期間從2012年至2021年共十年,以存放款比率及資產報酬率作為衡量銀行經營品質的指標,使用存在女總經理、存在女董事及女性董事比例做為解釋變數,運用縱橫資料模型的固定效果模型進行分析。研究結果顯示,女性董事比例與存放款比率為顯著負相關,與資產報酬率為顯著負相關。而存在女性總經理與存在女性董事,對存放款比率及資產報酬率皆無顯著相關性,說明當女性董事比例提高時,對銀行的決策較具影響力,女性董事相對重視銀行業的流動性風險,對績效則有負面影響。
    In 2015, the United Nations proposed “2030 Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs”. Nowadays, gender equality has been emphasized on the international stage. Many countries have launched policies to ensure that board of directors maintains a certain proportion of gender diversity. This study aims to discuss the correlation between women's participation in senior management and major decision-making, and the operational quality of banks in our country. The research period is ten years from 2012 to 2021, using The Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) and the Return on Assets (ROA) as indicators to measure the operational quality of banks, using the presence of female Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the presence of female directors, and the proportion of female directors as explanatory variables, analyzed by the fixed effects model of Panel-Data Model.
    The research results show that the proportion of female directors is significantly negatively correlated with the Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) and the Return on Assets (ROA). However, the presence of female CEO and the presence of female director have no significant correlation with both of them. This indicates that when the proportion of female directors increases, they have more influence on decision making by boards in the banking industry. When female directors pay more attention to the liquidity risk, which has a negative impact on performance.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110921023
    Data Type: thesis
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