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Title: | 企業ESG資訊質與量間落差之影響因素探討 The Determinants of Greenwashing Behavior |
Authors: | 鄭杭葭 Zheng, Hang-Jia |
Contributors: | 林宛瑩 Lin, Wan-Ying 鄭杭葭 Zheng, Hang-Jia |
Keywords: | ESG 漂綠行爲 環境資訊揭露 ESG Greenwashing Environmental Information Disclosure |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-10-03 10:52:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在全球氣候變遷、環境污染等問題愈發嚴峻的當下,消費者對於綠色產品之需求迫切,金管會陸續頒佈政策要求企業落實永續發展,然而近年來越來越多企業的漂綠行爲被媒體曝光,如何識別漂綠企業已成爲台灣各界關注的重要議題。本研究以2019年至2021年台灣上市公司為樣本,通過回顧漂綠之相關文獻釐清其基本定義,以TESG永續發展指標下之揭露分數和議題分數構建漂綠指數並識別漂綠企業,探討企業ESG資訊揭露數量與品質落差之影響因素。 本研究之實證結果顯示,屬於環境敏感產業之公司發生漂綠行為的可能性較高,揭露永續報告書之公司發生漂綠行爲的可能性較低,自願性揭露永續報告之公司發生漂綠行為的可能性較低,基於監管下被要求強制揭露永續報告書之公司發生漂綠行為的可能性較低,產業競爭壓力大之公司發生漂綠行為的可能性較高。 In the face of severe global issues such as climate change and environmental pollution, there has been an increasing demand for green products from consumers. FSC has been issuing policies requiring companies to implement sustainable development. However, in recent years, more and more companies` greenwashing practices have been exposed by the media. How to identify greenwashing companies has become an important issue of concern in Taiwan. This study focuses on Taiwan`s listed companies from 2019 to 2021. By reviewing relevant literature on greenwashing, the study aims to clarify its basic definition. Using the TESG sustainability development indicators, the study constructs a greenwashing index based on disclosure scores and issue scores to identify greenwashing companies. The study also explores the factors influencing the gap between the quantity and quality of ESG information disclosure by companies. The empirical results of this study indicate that companies in environmentally sensitive industries are more likely to engage in greenwashing behavior. Companies that disclose sustainability reports are less likely to engage in greenwashing behavior. Companies that voluntarily disclose sustainability reports are also less likely to engage in greenwashing behavior. Companies that are required by regulations to disclose sustainability reports are less likely to engage in greenwashing behavior. Companies facing higher degree of industry competition are more likely to engage in greenwashing behavior. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計學系 110353052 |
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