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Title: | 上架自我? 包養網站上年輕女性的糖關係實踐與展演 Selling Yourself on an Online Store ? Sugar Relationship Practices and Presentation of Young Women on Sugar Dating Websites |
Authors: | 胡安妤 Hu, An-Yu |
Contributors: | 康庭瑜 Kang, Ting-Yu 胡安妤 Hu, An-Yu |
Keywords: | 包養網站 甜心寶貝 糖爹 糖關係 關係工作理論 自我展演 sugar dating website sugar baby sugar daddy sugar relationship relational work self-presentation |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-10-03 10:46:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 年輕女性的包養網站使用,是淪為人們口舌的話題,也是所謂「甜心寶貝」曾經的誤打誤撞,或理性的現正進行。而眼見現下包養網站參與者的普俗化,當親密與金錢混為一談的糖關係長驅直入至你我跟前,該如何看待、又可從參與者的實踐獲得什麼?成了本研究的發想命題。對此,本研究以關係工作與自我展演觀點,深度訪談9名包養網站的女使用者。 聚焦在女性的糖關係經驗,旨在分析作為經濟受領者的女性如何管理自身的糖關係,了解包養網站此一科技物在糖關係的角色扮演,以及理解女性將一己情感作為商品,上架至包養網站的策略與邏輯。 研究結果發現,女性的糖關係管理,倚藉著甜心寶貝與糖爹的性別角色,及糖關係性腳本所操演的基本條款運行,在錢財的前提下,於實作上提供約會、陪伴乃至於性行為等女朋友服務,並發展出別具特色的支付形式與金錢比喻。而包養網站作為使用者的投入媒介,破除了地理與人際限制,也讓包養成了虛擬配對即可得的活動,但同時反映疑慮,如參與者的風險自負、性別雙重設計與科技不信任。最後,女性使用者的投入有賴一定程度的自我展演與揭露,本文從個人頁面的安排,如照片揀選與資料選填,到通訊媒體的交換,如微信作為管道,乃至於社群媒體的展演,發展出獨特的聚媒體使用與社會劃分方式。 The use of sugar dating websites by young women is a topic of dish the dirt for people, and it is also a participation of girls either like a babe in the woods or under rational self-interest. Now that participants on sugar dating websites have become popular, and sugar relationships that combine intimacy and money have also come to you and me, how should we look at it, and what can we gain from the practices of the participants? It became the inspiration for this study. In this regard, through the perspective of relational work and self-presentation, the study conducted in-depth interviews with 9 female users of sugar dating websites, focusing on young women’s sugar relationship experience, aiming to analyze how women, as financial recipients, manage their sugar relationships. On the other hand, sugar dating websites as a scientific object, The study made an effort to understand their role in sugar relationships and realize how women use their emotional commodities and the strategy and logic of putting themselves on the sugar dating websites. The study found that females’ sugar relationship management operates through the gender roles of sugar babies and sugar daddies, as well as the sexual scripts of sugar relationships. Under the premise of money, in practice, these girls provided girlfriend experiences such as dating, companionship, and even sexual behaviour, and developed unique payment forms and money metaphors. As a participation intermediary for users, the sugar dating website broke geographical and interpersonal restrictions and also made sugar relationships an online matching activity. However, it also reflected concerns, such as participants’ own risks, the design of double standards in gender, and distrust of technology. Finally, the sugar relationship relied on self-presentation and disclosure of participators. This study ranged from the arrangement of personal pages, such as the selection of photos and personal information, to the exchange of communication media, such as WeChat, and the performance of social media. In the end, we could find that participators of sugar relationships developed unique ways of using polymedia and dividing society. |
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