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    Title: 博物館以授權強化品牌權益之初探
    An exploratory study on strengthening museum brand equity through licensing
    Authors: 林東羣
    Lin, Dong-Qun
    Contributors: 張瑜倩
    Chang, Yu-Chien
    Lin, Dong-Qun
    Keywords: 博物館品牌建構
    museum branding
    museum licensing
    brand equity
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-10-03 10:44:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著當代文化機構治理趨向新自由主義的邏輯、日益競爭的博物館環境與高度變動的時代下,當代博物館試圖建構品牌為其提升競爭優勢、樹立價值,以維持永續發展。在行銷管理領域,一方面認為品牌作為組織內部資產,本身便具有品牌權益,亦即品牌所帶來的附加價值;另方面也肯認智慧財產係完整品牌權益的重要構面,以及授權是增進品牌權益的有效途徑。然而,有鑑於目前鮮有詳備分析來梳理組織如何透過授權積極影響其品牌權益,且轉向利害關係人導向的品牌建構觀點亦鮮見於博物館品牌的相關討論。綜合上述理論缺口,本研究選擇臺灣的博物館與外部廠商以授權進行聯合品牌作為研究場域,試圖探析博物館品牌權益如何在授權機制下得到強化。


    As contemporary cultural institutions embrace the logic of neoliberal governmentality, and with increasing competitiveness among museums in a highly dynamic era, museums are gradually placing more emphasis on branding to enhance their competitive advantage to create value for sustainable development. In marketing management theory, the brand is regarded as an internal asset of organizations as well as inherently possessing brand equity, which refers to the added value brought by the brand. In addition, intellectual property can be acknowledged as an important part of brand equity, and licensing can also be viewed as an effective way to strengthen brand equity. However, current discussions lack how organizations strengthen their brand equity through licensing. Relevant studies on how museum brand equity shifts towards stakeholder-oriented perspectives also remain few.

    This study selects Taiwanese museums to understand how museums and their partners engaged in co-branding through licensing, attempting to explore how museum brand equity is reinforced through different types of licensing. This study adopts a qualitative research approach, including document analysis, case study, and in-depth interview methods. Three cases are selected in this research, the National Palace Museum, the National Museum of History, and the National Taiwan Museum, based on their licensing-related experiences. A total of ten interviewees were interviewed for this study, including seven marketers of the three case museums, as well as three partners.

    This study identifies different types of museum licensing strategies and then demonstrates that brand licensing can establish stronger brand equity for museums. Subsequently, this study presents three patterns of brand licensing development and highlights that museum brand awareness is a key factor influencing which pattern is adopted. Finally, this study proves how museum brand equity is strengthened by means of brand licensing. It is found that museum marketers, in their role as promoters and connectors within the value networks of museums’ brands, play crucial roles in facilitating collaborations between museums and their partners, and even in forming long-term partnerships. This underscores the significance of marketers as key assets that museums should prioritize and cultivate when developing their brands.
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