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Title: | 遠距復健公司之商業模式研究-以A個案公司為例 Research on the Business Model of Telerehabilitation Company: A Case Study of Company A |
Authors: | 吳紹慈 Wu, Shao-Tzu |
Contributors: | 吳豐祥 Wu, Feng-Shang 吳紹慈 Wu, Shao-Tzu |
Keywords: | 遠距復健 商業模式 數位健康 Telerehabilitation Business model Digital health |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-10-03 10:43:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 根據台灣內政部公告表示,台灣於2018年正式邁入世界衛生組織所定義的「高齡社會」。隨著人口結構持續老化,復健醫療需求也會不斷攀升,許多專家學者都建議以新科技的介入解決傳統復健的諸多不便,因此「遠距復健」的概念進入了大眾的視野。然而「遠距復健」受限於缺乏適當的軟硬體設備、不穩定的資金、一般民眾的接受度等問題,全世界目前尚未有國家大規模的採用。
本研究最後並提出實務上的建議、學術上的貢獻以及後續研究上的建議。 According to the Taiwan`s Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan has officially entered the "aged society" defined by the World Health Organization in 2018. With the continuous aging of the population, the demand for rehabilitation will continue to rise. Recently, numerous experts have recommended the integration of new technologies to overcome the numerous challenges faced by traditional rehabilitation, thereby bringing the concept of "telerehabilitation" to the forefront of public awareness. However, telerehabilitation faces limitations such as inadequate software and hardware infrastructure, funding instability, and limited acceptance among the general population. As of now, there has been no widespread adoption of telerehabilitation at a global level.
In order to delve into the business models of telerehabilitation companies in Taiwan and understand how these models evolve at different stages of development, this thesis considers the unique characteristics of Taiwan`s medical rehabilitation market and uses the Business Model Canvas as a framework for analysis to conducted a case study of "LongGood", the leading telerehabilitation company in Taiwan.
Results indicate that the target patients of a telerehabilitation company can influence its revenue streams, and the revenue streams, in turn, can affect the decisions of its target patients. These decisions further impact the selection of new key partners, which ultimately affects the product optimization activities. Additionally, it is crucial for a telerehabilitation company to maintain relationships with key partners in all stage, regardless of not generate revenue through health insurance,.
The significance of this study lies in offering an in-depth exploration of the business models of telerehabilitation companies and their transformation at different stages of development. Moreover, the study uncovers unique characteristics of telerehabilitation that diverge from previous literature. For instance, it reveals that telerehabilitation companies may prioritize the development of new target patients as a growth strategy because of inability to execute lobbying activities. Furthermore, this thesis challenges the notion that fundraising during the startup phase is a critical activity, as telerehabilitation companies employ cost reduction strategies to mitigate the impact of limited funding. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 110364108 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110364108 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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