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    Title: 日間照顧中心對周邊房屋價格之影響─以臺北市為例
    The Impact of Daycare Centers on Surrounding Housing Prices: A Case Study of Taipei
    Authors: 鄭婷瑜
    Cheng, Ting-Yu
    Contributors: 吳文傑
    Cheng, Ting-Yu
    Keywords: 一學區一長照
    Daycare Centers
    Housing Prices
    Hedonic Price Method
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-10-03 10:42:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臺灣預計於2025年步入超高齡化社會,隨著高齡人口快速的增長,長期照顧需求人數增加,政府提出長照2.0計畫,其中以「一學區一長照」作為政策口號之一,建立以社區為基礎之照顧型社區,而本文欲探究房價與此類日間照顧中心之間的關係。
    Taiwan is expected to enter super-aged society in 2025. With the rapid growth of the elderly population, the demand for long-term care has increased. The government hasproposed the Long-Term Care 2.0, in which "One School District, One Long-term Care Services" is one of the policy slogans, aiming to establish community-based care communities. This study aims to explore the relationship between housing prices and daycare centers.
    In the past, long-term care facilities were commonly regarded as facilities to be avoided in the neighborhood. However, with the increasing demand for long-term care in recent years, this article postulates that daycare centers may have both positive and negative effects on housing prices. On the one hand, the increasing demand for daycare centers may lead to a positive effect on housing prices. On the other hand, negative effects may arise due to the " NIMBY effect." This study aims to determine which effect is greater, and further incorporate the explanation of distance. The study uses real estate transaction data from the Ministry of the Interior from July to August in 2022, and applies the hedonic price method combined with the ordinary least square method(OLS). Geographic information systems are also used as a tool to measure distance for empirical analysis. The results show that houses located in districts with daycare centers have higher prices compared to those without day care centers. Furthermore, as the distance from the daycare center increases within the district, housing prices decrease. This indicates that daycare centers have a positive impact on nearby housing prices. Therefore, it can be concluded that the positive effect of daycare centers on housing prices is greater than the negative effect.
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