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Title: | 顯應祖師信仰與在地的關係 -以「大坪林顯應祖師廟」為例 Ancestral Faith and Local Relations - For example, "Otsuborin Hyun Eung Soshi Mausoleum" |
Authors: | 劉冠毅 Liu, Guan-Yi |
Contributors: | 王雅萍 Ong, Ya-Ping 劉冠毅 Liu,Guan-Yi |
Keywords: | 顯應祖師 新店劉家 大坪林 聯合放軍遶境 Master Xian Ying Xindian Family Liu Da Ping Lin Wuying pilgrimage |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-04 10:17:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 華人移民社會的歷史中有著很多傳承都是來自於團體,無論是生活習慣、文化、當地習俗、產業……等都是圍繞著各式各樣的社會團體而展開,在台灣早期的移民所形成的團體大多是圍繞著宗教信仰或血脈宗親而形成,所以「宗祠」和「地方公廟」在早期台灣就變成了當地居民聚集議事的地方和生活範圍的中心,就形成一個個熱鬧的聚落,而這些聚落進而演變成現代的都市,這些文化隨著時間的洪流也傳承到現在。 華人宗教的領域包括方方面面的文化,人的生、老、病、死、婚都會與宗教有很強烈與密切的連接,而這份研究的內容就是在研究信仰建立的過程所連結的那些人、事、物,在這種社會碰撞與合作的過程中所延伸出來的傳承正是這次要探討的主題。 而這次聚焦在顯應祖師信仰的起源和發展,這信仰從1889年傳入新店至今有一百三十三年的歷史,在傳承中流傳下來許多古代的風俗和人文故事,在這時間裡發展出專屬於新店地區的儀式和信仰模式,但從普通人的角度看來並沒有顯著的差異,例如:單純的神明遶境跟放軍儀式,所以我會深入討論這些儀式與其他相同性質的廟宇之間的差異。 最後還是要回歸到人的身上,無論是宗教信仰的傳遞、儀式與民俗習慣的傳承、宮廟建築的修築這些都是依靠著人們相互作用和彼此協調下而產生的產物,這當中最明顯的體現就是大坪林顯應祖師廟所主辦的「大坪林五庄聯合放軍遶境」活動、「金面顯應祖師文化祭」的活動、扶乩問事的儀式和大坪林顯應祖師廟建廟歷史,前者擁有在顯應祖師信仰中獨一無二的特性,而建廟與文化祭則是體現出大坪林顯應祖師信仰的社會關係網絡,而扶乩問事則是表現出廟宇的文化傳承的重要範本,所以本篇論文會著重這幾個活動著重描述。 藉由信仰的歷史來源、社會關係、文化傳承這幾個面向來表現出傳統民間信仰在現代都市化社會的各種調和、進化和改良,進而展現台灣傳統信仰的社會性與一部分宗教生態。 In the history of the Chinese immigrant society, there are many traditions, and the city will come to live in, of course, the lifestyle, culture, local customs, industry, etc. The formation of a large number of religious beliefs, bloodlines, and religious beliefs, and the reason for the formation of the religious beliefs and bloodlines, and the formation of a `religious shrine` and `local public shrine` in the early days of Taiwan. A modern city that has transformed into a small village, and a cultural tradition that has spread over time to the present day. Chinese Religious Domain Comprehensive multi-faceted culture, human life, old age, illness, death, marriage city and religion are very intense and intimately connected Things, things, and things, in the middle of the process of cooperation in various societies. Then, following the focus on the origins of the founder`s faith, the history of the 133-year history of the 133-year history of the Shinten, which was introduced in 1889, followed by the tradition of the middle-class, and the history of ancient customs and Japanese writings. The rituals and beliefs of the Xintiandi area, however, differ from ordinary people`s perspectives. difference between them. In the end, it is necessary to return to the human body, of course, it is the tradition of religious beliefs, the tradition of rituals and folk customs, the architectural restoration of the palace and the temple is based on the interaction between the people and the people. The current status of the Dapinglin Hyun Ying Zu Shi Mausoleum is the head of the Daping Lin Hyun Ying Zu Shi Mausoleum’s “Da Ping Lin Five Villages Joint Military Military Boundary” activities, “Golden Face Hyun Ying Zu Shi Mausoleum” activities, and related ceremonies and construction history , The former possesses the unique characteristics of ancestral belief, and the temple and cultural rituals of the temple appear to be a network of social relationships related to religious beliefs of the ancestral master, and the rules of inquiry are important examples of cultural traditions that have appeared in the temple. This is why the main article is written by several activities. The historical origins of religious beliefs, social relations, and cultural traditions have been expressed in several face-to-face expressions. |
Reference: | 史料
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 民族學系 108259007 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108259007 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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