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    Title: 家庭治療訓練方案之成效研究
    Efficacy of a Family Therapy Training Program: An Evaluation Study
    Authors: 余幸子
    Yu, XingZi
    Contributors: 趙文滔

    Chao, Wentao
    Hsiu, Hui-Lain

    Yu, XingZi
    Keywords: 家庭治療
    Family Therapy
    Core Competencies
    Family Therapy Training Outcomes Research
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:37:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探究:(1)一項本地家庭治療訓練方案中不同單元對受訓者可能帶來的學習成效;(2)探討有助於學習成效發生的課程設計與執行因素;(3)評估家庭治療訓練方案於結束三個月後,對受訓者個人生活的影響及於工作場域的遷移效果。
    一、 受訓者參與家庭治療訓練的動機有訓練前遭遇工作困境、對於家庭治療有興趣、及訓練方案本身有吸引力。
    二、 量化資料分析顯示,受訓者對於訓練方案各面向滿意度高、學習效果佳、在家庭治療師核心能力量表的整體及四個不同能力模塊的前後测分數差異均達顯著。質化分析結果進一步呈現受訓者接受訓練後在其工作場域確實出現成效。
    三、 在訓練結束三個月後,受訓者的個人生活改變體現在兩個方面:一為發展出新視角,開始將生活體驗與家庭治療工作連結;另一為受訓者個人關係獲得改善,包含伴侶關係及與原生家庭關係。
    四、 訓練後受訓者的變化包含四個方面:(1)自我效能感顯著提升,主動與系統合作之意願增強;(2)諮商會談效果提升,工作勝任度提升;(3)受訓者的工作適應狀況提升;(4)團隊成員認同受訓者的專業能力,對受訓者的信任度提高。
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of a family therapy training program in Taipei. It also explored the curriculum design and execution factors that contributed to learning outcomes, and assessed the impact of the family therapy training program on the trainees` personal lives and clinical outcomes three months post-training.
    The study focused on an 8-month family therapy training program, totaling 112 hours. Ten trainees were recruited for interviews, including three counseling psychologists, one clinical psychologist, three social workers, and two school guidance counselors. Their workplaces ranged from junior high counseling offices and tertiary education counseling centers to social welfare institutions and hospitals.
    This study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. The quantitative portion utilized paired-sample t-tests and descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were collected from pre- and post-training scores on the Family Therapist Core Competency Scale, post-session satisfaction questionnaires, and self-report learning outcome scales. After the training program concluded, semi-structured individual interviews were conducted to gather trainees` experiences. Three months post-training, focus group interviews were held. Key findings include:
    1. Trainees` motivations for participating in the family therapy training were challenges faced in their work before the training, interest in family therapy, and the distinctive features of the training program.
    2. Quantitative data analysis showed high satisfaction across various aspects of the training program, positive learning outcomes, and significant pre- and post-test differences in scores on the overall Family Therapist Core Competency Scale and its four distinct ability modules. Qualitative analysis further revealed an improvement in clinical work outcomes after the training.
    3. Three months after the training, changes in trainees` personal lives were evident in two aspects: (1) the development of new perspectives, leading them to link their life experiences with family therapy work; (2) improvements in personal relationships, including relationships with partners and families.
    4. Clinical changes in trainees post-training encompassed: (1) significant enhancement in self-efficacy as therapists and strengthened willingness to work collaboratively; (2) enhanced effectiveness in sessions; (3) improved work adaptability; (4) increased recognition and trust from team members.
    Based on the core competencies of family therapists, this study examined the progress of trainees across different domains of family therapist core competencies. It also identified differences in learning paths and outcomes for therapists and social workers. The study further explored how the work environment might influence learning outcomes. Drawing from these conclusions and discussions, recommendations for future family therapy-related training and research are provided.
    Reference: 王文科、王智弘(2010)。質的研究的信度和效度,彰化師大教育學報(第29-50頁)。
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107172011
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