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Authors: | 羅蘭 Laura, Petrosian |
Contributors: | 林永芳 Lin, Yung-Fang 羅蘭 Petrosian Laura |
Keywords: | 軟實力 中國 俄羅斯 娛樂產品 soft power China Russia entertainment industry products |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 16:35:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 1990年,美國學者約瑟夫·奈提出「軟實力」的定義,並將其定義為在自願參與的基礎上,不需對方脅迫而達到預期結果的方式。 世界已經知道「硬實力」——透過威脅、恐嚇或武器等來實現預期目標。 無論如何,這兩種「權力」在世界上早已存在,但在約瑟夫·奈提出這一術語之後,人們對軟實力這一概念開始更加關注。 奈伊在其所屬國家的框架內思考此概念後,世界各地的研究人員開始鑽研和分析自己國家軟實力的的具體特徵,以便正確制定軟實力的目標和選擇有效的方式。 本研究的重點是中國的軟實力。 文章追溯了中國軟實力的形成過程及其戰略、目標和資源,即中國娛樂產業的產品,如影視、動畫、漫畫、小說、遊戲等。 本研究將探討這些資源對俄羅斯人在中國認知上的影響。 選擇本主題作為研究的原因在於,上述產品最近在俄羅斯用戶中廣受歡迎 ,並且至今仍對俄羅斯人很有吸引力。 此外,俄羅斯和烏克蘭之間持續不斷的戰爭鞏固了俄羅斯和中國之間本已牢固的關係,推動了中國產品在俄羅斯的積極佈局。 最後,目前關於中國娛樂產品對俄羅斯人口影響的著作還很少。 本研究的目的是為了了解並總結上述中國軟實力資源在俄羅斯的受歡迎程度俄羅斯人對其流行程度的認識 ,並分析中國在俄羅斯人心中認知的整體趨勢和對中國的態度。 In 1990, the American researcher Joseph Nye put forward the term “soft power” and defined it as a way to achieve the desired results on the basis of voluntary participation, without coercion of the other side. The world already knew “hard power” – a way to achieve the desired goals through the use of threats, intimidation, weapons, and so on. One way or another, both “powers” already existed in the world, but after Joseph Nye coined the term, attention to the concept of soft power began to increase. J. Nye considered the concept within the framework of the country which he was a citizen of, and therefore researchers around the world began to identify and analyze the specific features of this power according to their states in order to correctly formulate aims and to select effective means of implementing soft power. This study focuses on China`s soft power. The article traces the process of formation of Chinese soft power and its strategies, aims, resources, namely the products of the Chinese entertainment industry, such as movies and TV shows, donghua (animation), manhua (comics), novels and games. This study examines the impact of these resources on the perception of China by Russians. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that the above products have recently gained popularity among Russian users and continue to arouse interest to this day. In addition, the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has consolidated the already strong relationship between Russia and China, giving impetus to the active distribution of Chinese products in Russia. Finally, at the moment there is only a small number of works on the impact of Chinese entertainment products on the population of Russia. The purpose of this study is to trace the popularity of the aforementioned Chinese means of soft power in Russia, to summarize the knowledge about their prevalence, and to consider the general trend of Russians` interest towards China and their positive attitude to the state. |
Reference: | Books
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Online Resources
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 俄羅斯研究所 108263014 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108263014 |
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