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    Title: 土耳其外交政策與新奧斯曼主義
    Neo-Ottomanism in Turkish Foreign Policy
    Authors: 盧睿鋐
    Lu, Jui-Hung
    Contributors: 魏百谷
    Wei, Bai-Gu
    Lu, Jui-Hung
    Keywords: 土耳其
    Ottoman Empire
    Ahmet Davutoğlu
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:33:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   2022年俄羅斯以「去軍事化、去納粹化」的名義對烏克蘭動武,震驚全世界。西方國家除了譴責俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭以外,也位烏克蘭提供軍事和經濟上的協助。另一方面,土耳其仍在俄羅斯和西方國家之間保持曖昧的態度,一方面呼籲各方對話,另一方面也在烏克蘭的主權議題上支持烏克蘭的主權完整,反映了土耳其嘗試利用自身在俄羅斯和美歐國家之間的影響力,希望能在降低衝突的同時也能促進土耳其的國家利益。
    In 2022, Russia`s military intervention in Ukraine in the name of “demilitarization and de-Nazification” had shocked the world. Western countries not only condemned Russia`s invasion of Ukraine but also provided military and economic assistance to Ukraine. However, Turkey maintained an ambiguous stance between Russia and Western nations. While urging all parties to engage in dialogue, Turkey also supported Ukraine`s sovereignty and territorial integrity on the issue of Ukrainian sovereignty. This reflects Turkey`s attempt to leverage its influence between Russia and Western powers, aiming to both reduce conflicts and promote its own national interests.

    The aim of this article is the Neo-Ottomanism in Turkey`s foreign policy, aiming to explore how Turkish perceptions of the past Ottoman Empire shape contemporary Turkish diplomacy. Through literature review and the lens of international relations constructivism, the goal is to elucidate how Turkey perceives its global positioning and relationships with other countries.
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