Abstract: | 中國自改革開放以來低調地達成經濟成就,然而習近平於2012年掌權後,中國的態度明顯轉向主動積極發展對外關係,並可以「一帶一路」為顯著表徵。中國積極地和其他國家展開合作及對外投資,對象大多以開發中國家為主,而其中海灣阿拉伯六國(沙烏地阿拉伯、阿拉伯聯合大公國、阿曼、科威特、卡達、巴林)握有的是在中國持續經濟發展過程中所不可或缺的石油和天然氣等能源,具有重要的戰略地位。在此背景下,本文擬探討中國對於這組國家群體全面且整體性的關係經營,並期望能解答兩個研究問題,首先是中國對於這些國家之間的關係經營是否有積極程度之區別,在經過長期的資料蒐集與歸納後,發現到中國較為積極地經營和阿拉伯聯合大公國及沙烏地阿拉伯這兩個國家的關係,對於其他四個國家之關係經營較不那麼積極。接著引導出第二個研究問題,造成中國對這些國家經營積極程度有別之原因為何?在歸納分析相關數據及資料後,本文發現中國會對於握有愈多能源資源者、國家規模愈大、人口愈多者,以及受美國在軍事領域影響力較淺的國家,較為積極地經營關係;而經濟發展程度、外交利益相似度、和美國的經貿與政治關係,以及海灣阿拉伯國家內部分歧等因素與中國對該些國家的關係經營較無顯著關聯。 Since the initiation of reform and opening up, China has made remarkable economic achievements in a low-profile manner. However, under the leadership of Xi Jinping since 2012, China has taken a more proactive approach towards developing foreign relations, with the “Belt and Road Initiative” being a prominent symbol of this shift. This initiative involves active cooperation and increasing foreign investments, especially in developing countries. Among these countries, the six Arab Gulf nations—Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, and Bahrain—hold significant reserves of oil and natural gas, which are crucial for China’s economic growth and hold strategic importance. This research paper aims to delve into China’s comprehensive and holistic approach to managing relationships with these Arab Gulf countries. It seeks to address two research questions: first, whether China displays distinct attitudes while dealing with each of these nations, and second, the reasons behind any differential treatment. After extensive data collection and analysis, this study finds that China is more proactive in managing relations with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, whereas it appears less active in its engagement with the other four countries. Subsequently, the second research question pertains to why this varying approach is taken by China. By examining relevant evidence, the paper reveals that China tends to be more attentive to countries that are larger in size, have abundant energy resources and a larger population, and are less influenced by the United States in military matters. Conversely, factors like economic development, the similarity of diplomatic interests, economic, trade, and political relations with the United States, as well as the divergences between Arab Gulf countries, have less impact on China’s relationship management with these nations. |