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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/147301

    Title: 採用圖畫故事書閱讀的直接自然發音教學對小學生英語語音意識和學習動機影響之個案研究
    A case study on the impact of the explicit phonics instruction course with picture storybooks reading on a young learner’s phonological awareness and learning motivation
    Authors: 劉奕伶
    Liu, I-Ling
    Contributors: 余明忠
    Yu, Ming-Chung
    Liu, I-Ling
    Keywords: 直接發音教學法
    Explicit phonics instruction
    Picture storybooks reading
    Phonological awareness
    Learning motivation
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:29:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 這個質性研究主要是研究採用圖畫故事書閱讀的直接發音教學法對
    This qualitative study aims to explore the effects of an explicit phonics instruction course with picture storybooks on young learners` English phonological awareness and motivation to learn English.
    Bast (2013) indicated that without explicit phonics instruction, many students might lack the scaffolding needed to become strong readers at an early age. Moreover, Adams (1994) asserted that phonics instruction is an essential component of reading instruction but is not enough by itself to teach young students to read. Therefore, the study implemented a phonics instruction course to help the participant acquire concepts of letter-sound relationships and practice phonics rules through reading easy-reading picture storybooks, ultimately becoming strong readers.
    The explicit phonics instruction course with picture storybooks reading took place at a language cram school in Taipei City and was conducted over four months. It included twelve explicit phonics teaching classes and eight implicit phonics teaching classes through picture storybooks reading. The participant in this research was a third-grade boy recruited from the language cram school. Due to the participant`s difficulties in reading new words and spelling learned words, the researcher chose him as the participant in order to help him overcome the label of being a low-achiever in English learning.
    In this study, all the collected data, including the pretest and post test scores of Phonological Awareness, the researcher`s reflection journals, and interviews with the participant and the parent, were mainly analyzed qualitatively. Through descriptive analysis of the data, the researcher gained an overall understanding of the effects of explicit phonics instruction with picture storybooks reading on young English learners at the language cram school.
    The results of the study demonstrated that the participant showed significant improvement on the post test of Phonological Awareness after completing the phonics instruction course. Furthermore, the study`s results also indicated a positive change in the participant`s motivation to learn English, and the participant`s mother had a positive perception of the integrative phonics course in the study.
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