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    Title: 中國對賭協議之適法性:以履行障礙爭議為核心
    A Research on the China`s bet-on agreement: hindrance to the performance
    Authors: 郭羅敦尉
    Kuo Lo, Tun-Wei
    Contributors: 王文杰
    Wang, Wen Chieh
    Kuo Lo, Tun-Wei
    Keywords: 對賭協議
    bet-on agreement
    valuation adjustment
    capital maintenance
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:23:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 對賭協議是一種新型商事契約,以估值調整條款為核心,用於解決投融資雙方的資訊不對稱問題,以促成交易,進而活絡整體融資市場,幫助企業成長。對賭協議具有射倖、期權、條件、擔保等多種契約屬性,與可轉換公司債、特別股之間存有部分差異。
    A bet-on agreement is a novel type of commercial contract centered around valuation adjustment clauses, used to address the issue of information asymmetry between companies and investor. It facilitates transactions, thereby invigorating the overall financing market and aiding business growth. Bet-on agreements encompass various contractual attributes such as aleatory, options, conditions, and guarantees, differing in certain aspects from convertible bonds and preferred stocks.
    Bet-on agreements have been widely utilized in China, with some even referring to the concept of " Bet-on in every investment." However, Bet-on agreements have also sparked considerable controversies, leading to the accumulation of relevant lawsuit cases. Initially, courts provided the viewpoint in the Haifu case that "companies should not bet-on with companies." Subsequently, in the Huagong case, the validity and enforceability of bet-on agreements were distinguished through specific examinations, culminating in the judicial interpretation provided in the “Minutes of the National Court Work Conference for Civil and Commercial Trials 2019”, which unified the principles for judging bet-on agreements. This article systematically reviews these aforementioned judicial opinions, compares and analyzes their differences, and further explores the hindrance to the performance that bet-on agreements face, deconstructing the sticking point between creditor and investor .
    On the other hand, the article delves into redemption shares and insolvency tests standards in U.S. law, elucidating recent relevant judgments in Delaware courts. These judgments are based on principles of fiduciary duty and business judgment rule, and the article deeply examines the changes and reasons behind these perspectives. Following that, a horizontal comparison is drawn between bet-on agreements and preferred stocks, capital maintenance principles and insolvency test standards, in order to highlight their similarities and differences. Finally, returning to corporate law in Taiwan, analyzing the legality of bet-on agreements, evaluates the current corporate legal framework, and provides suggestions for improvement directions.
    Reference: 一、中文參考文獻
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