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    Title: 臺韓母性保護制度與企業托兒政策之比較
    Comparison of Taiwan and South Korea`s maternity protection system and enterprise child care service policy
    Authors: 翁靖雯
    Weng, Ching-Wen
    Contributors: 郭秋雯
    Kuo, Chiu-Wen
    Weng, Ching-Wen
    Keywords: 生育相關休假
    Maternity Leave
    Workplace Nursery
    Maternity Protection
    Work-Family Balance
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:20:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 因經濟型態的轉變、教育水準的提高,女性投入就業市場的人數增加,以雙薪為主的家庭模式日益增長,且女性勞動參與者是發展經濟的重要支柱之一,但在台灣與韓國,大部分婚育年齡的女性勞動者因背負著生育的天職及照顧家庭的傳統羈絆,因此面臨工作家庭兩頭燒的處境,然生育責任不是女性一人之責,也不應全然落在家庭,而必須由國家社會一同分擔,因此母性保護政策、工作與家庭平衡政策的落實是不可或缺的,在這兩個政策的架構下,本研究旨在比較臺韓兩國生育相關的休假政策,減緩工作與家庭責任間角色的衝突,讓因育兒而暫離職場的勞工,其就業權益得以受到保障,此外,為協助勞工在工作與家庭間能獲得平衡,除了需要政府積極地推動友善家庭的勞動政策之外,企業的協助也是不可或缺的,在政府的政策與企業的配合施行下,企業托兒成為代理家長照顧以及教育孩童的角色,讓孩童家長能更安心專注於工作上,因此本研究同時也探討臺韓兩國的企業托兒政策。
    Due to the transformation of the economic pattern and the improvement of the education level, the number of women entering the workplace has increased, and the family model dominated by double wages is increasing. At the same time, female labor participants are also one of the important pillars of economic development. However, in Taiwan and South Korea, most of the female workers of marriage and childbearing age are burdened with the vocation of childbearing and the traditional fetters of caring for the family, so they face the situation of working and family burning at both ends. But the responsibility of childbearing is not the responsibility of women alone, nor only on the family, but must be shared by the state and society. Therefore, the implementation of maternity protection policies and work-family balance policies is indispensable. Under the framework of these two policies, this thesis aims to compare the maternity-related leave policies of Taiwan and South Korea.
    Reduce the conflict between work and family responsibilities, so that workers who temporarily leave the workplace due to childcare can protect their employment rights. In addition, in order to help worker achieve a balance between work and family, in addition to the government`s active promotion of family-friendly labor policies, the assistance of enterprises is also indispensable. Under the cooperation of government policies and enterprises, workplace nursery has become the role of surrogate parents to take care of and educate children, and let parents of children feel more at ease and focus on work. Therefore, this thesis also explores corporate childcare policies in Taiwan and South Korea.
    Through on the papers, periodicals, regulations and policy reports of Taiwan and South Korea, this thesis would like to explore the development process of the two countries also analyze and compare the policies of the two countries.
    First of all, this thesis found that Taiwan and South Korea have little difference in terms of maternity-related leave, but South Korea’s maternity leave is not only better than Taiwan’s, but also closer to the minimum standard of labor maternity leave stipulated by the International Labor Organization. In terms of maternity leave salary subsidy, the current system in Taiwan is that employers fully pay maternity leave salary, while South Korea uses the government`s social welfare (employment insurance fund) plus part of the employer`s payment as the source of maternity leave subsidy. The publication of maternity leave wage subsidies will help reduce pregnancy discrimination in the workplace and reduce the burden on employers. As for parental leave, the biggest difference between Taiwan and South Korea is the application period and the age limit of the child. Judging from the content of the parental leave subsidy policy, both countries have increased the subsidy amount. In order to encourage father to participate in child-rearing, South Korean government has spared no effort to increase the amount of subsidies, using money as an incentive to promote the policy.
    In terms of workplace nursery, there is a biggest difference in the implementation of workplace nursery systems between Taiwan and South Korea. South Korea’s policy on companies that fail to fulfill their obligation to handle workplace nursery, not only publishing the list of companies but also imposing a fine. On the contrary, Taiwan government encourages companies to handle workplace nursery by giving financial subsidies to companies in order to reduce the burden on employers. Taiwan government hopes that employers will consider the provision of childcare services for employees as a social responsibility to promote enterprises to set up childcare facilities. There is no relevant method for setting penalties.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106557005
    Data Type: thesis
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