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Title: | 議題導向之書目計量分析與比較 A Bibliometric Analysis and Comparison of Literature on Issue-oriented |
Authors: | 鄭如庭 Cheng, Ru–Ting |
Contributors: | 李沛錞 Lee, Pei–Chun 鄭如庭 Cheng, Ru–Ting |
Keywords: | 書目計量學 議題導向 數位閱讀 圖書資訊學 Bibliometrics Issue-oriented Digital Reading Library and information science |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 16:17:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著數位資源與知識產出的快速增加,議題導向研究逐漸受到學術界重視。在書目計量學分析方法和技術不斷演進之情境下,為了更好的應用書目計量學來分析學術成果和學者貢獻。本研究旨在探討議題導向的書目計量分析在數位閱讀主題文獻中的特性,並將其與領域導向的圖書資訊學進行比較,探討兩者間之異同。
一、議題導向書目計量分析在文獻特性、期刊分布與作者生產力之特點 (一)數位閱讀研究領域正處於蓬勃發展階段,文獻具多語言涵蓋,其中以英文為主,顯示其國際影響力。 (二)數位閱讀研究領域主要聚焦於社會、科學及文化層面,具跨學科之特性。 (三)布萊德福定律及布萊德福-齊夫定律不適用本研究。 (四)作者生產力以兩位作者合著居多,發表次數與作者人數呈反比且與洛卡定律相符。
二、議題導向與領域導向書目計量分析之異同 (一)議題導向聚焦於特定主題領域;領域導向則著重於特定學科研究。 (二)議題導向適用於不同主題領域的研究;能全面瞭解研究動態與學術影響力;領域導向則專注於學科內容,有助於深入探討特定學科的學術發展趨勢。 This study aims to explore the characteristics of issue-oriented bibliometric analysis in the literature on digital reading themes and compare it with domain-oriented library and information science, investigating their similarities and differences.
The study systematically analyzes the literature using bibliometric methods, selecting issue-oriented and domain-oriented research subjects. These subjects focus on the themes of digital reading and the field of library and information science, respectively, discussing three aspects: document characteristics, journal distribution, and author productivity. The research samples are drawn from the Scopus citation index database, collected from 1970 to 2022, comprising 1,203 documents in the digital reading field and 14,300 documents in library and information science. The research findings are summarized as follows:
I.Characteristics of issue-oriented bibliometric analysis in terms of document characteristics, journal distribution, and author productivity: A.The field of digital reading research is in a flourishing stage, with literature covering multiple languages, mainly in English, indicating its international impact. B.Digital reading research primarily focuses on social, scientific, and cultural aspects, showing interdisciplinary characteristics. C.Bradford`s Law and Bradford-Zipf`s Law are not applicable in this study. D.Author productivity is dominated by collaborative works of two authors, with the frequency of publication inversely proportional to the number of authors, in accordance with Lotka`s Law.
II.Similarities and differences between issue-oriented and domain-oriented bibliometric analysis: A.Issue-oriented analysis concentrates on specific thematic areas, while domain-oriented analysis emphasizes research within specific disciplines. B.Issue-oriented analysis is suitable for research in different thematic areas, providing a comprehensive understanding of research dynamics and academic impact. Domain-oriented analysis, on the other hand, focuses on disciplinary content and aids in exploring the academic development trends within specific disciplines. |
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