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    Title: 國民小學校長轉型領導與學校效能、 教師組織承諾、工作滿意度相關研究之後設分析
    Meta-analysis of Studies on the Relationship among Elementary School Principals` Transformational Leadership and School Effectiveness, Teachers` Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction
    Authors: 周碧惠
    Chou, Pi-Hui
    Contributors: 郭昭佑
    Guo, Chao-Yu
    Chou, Pi-Hui
    Keywords: 工作滿意度
    job satisfaction
    bibliometric analysis
    organizational commitment
    transformational leadership
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:16:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以國內有關「國民小學校長轉型領導與學校效能、教師組織承諾、工作滿意度相關研究」之博碩士論文及期刊為主要研究對象;研究目的主要探究校長轉型領導與學校效能、教師組織承諾、教師工作滿意度之間的相關性,以其相同或相似者文獻為研究樣本,採後設分析法,探求彼此關聯強度及方向。研究發現:




    This study takes the domestic doctoral dissertation, master’s thesis and journals on "Principals’ Transformation Leadership and School Effectiveness, Teachers’ Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction" as the main research objects. The purpose of the research is to explore the correlation between principal’s transformational leadership and school effectiveness, teachers’ organizational commitment, and teachers’ job satisfaction. Using the same or similar literature as the research sample, and meta-analysis method is used to explore the strength and direction of thier correlation. The study found that:

    1.Overview of research samples on principals’ transformational leadership and school effectiveness, teachers’ organizational commitment, and teachers’ job satisfaction
    The research samples were mainly doctoral dissertations and master’s theses. A total of 40 reports, stating 42 correlations, were published from 2001 to 2020. These research samples were mostly female subjects.

    2.The correlation strength between principals’ transformational leadership and school effectiveness, teachers’ organizational commitment, and teachers’ job satisfaction
    (1)Principals’ transformational leadership is highly positively correlated with school effectiveness.
    (2)Principals’ transformational leadership is highly positively correlated with teachers’ organizational commitment.
    (3)Principals’ transformational leadership is highly positively correlated with teachers’ job satisfaction, and higher than that with school effectiveness and teachers’ organizational commitment.

    3.Results of moderating analysis of principals’ transformational leadership and school effectiveness, teachers’ organizational commitment, and teachers’ job satisfaction
    (1)"Research age" is a moderating variable between principals’ transformational leadership and school effectiveness, teachers’ organizational commitment, and teachers’ job satisfaction.
    (2)"Research area" is a moderating variable between principals’ transformational leadership, school effectiveness, and teachers’ job satisfaction, but not a moderating variable between teachers’ organizational commitment.
    (3)The subject "gender" (proportion of males) is a moderating variable between principals’ transformational leadership and school effectiveness, but not a moderating variable between teachers’ organization commitment and teachers’ job satisfaction.

    Finally, it is recommended that principals should make good use of and practice transformational leadership strategies. Cultivate and develop the ability to perceive various situations, respond sensitively, and jointly construct visions, so as to change and effectively enhance the higher effectiveness of transformational leadership strategis.
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