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    Title: 亞洲投資對於拉丁美洲的經濟成長
    The Impact of Asian Investment on the Economic Growth of Latin America
    Authors: 艾德多
    Martinez Molina, Carlos Eduardo
    Contributors: 吳文傑博士
    Dr. Wen-Chieh Wu
    Martinez Molina, Carlos Eduardo
    Keywords: 亞洲投資
    Asian Investment
    Economic Growth
    Panel Data
    Latin America Productions
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:13:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究圍繞亞洲在拉丁美洲的外國直接投資進行定量研究,使用計量經濟學工具進行分析,分析了該地區13 個國家過去14 年的情況,使用的計量經濟學模型包括OLS、單向固定效應、二向固定效應-方式,隨機效應,數據是通過國家銀行和政府機構獲得的。



    The present research is composed around a quantitative study of foreign direct investments made from Asia in Latin America, produced by econometric tools, which analyzes 13 countries in the region through 14 years, the econometric models used are OLS, Fixed Effect Oneway, Fixed Effect two-way, random effect, the data has been obtained through national banks and government institutions.

    Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, China and the Rest of Asia were chosen as actors within the analysis unit belonging to the Asian countries that have contributed the most to the investment flow, with data mostly coming from these countries. The sample also includes results that reflect the gains in investments that have been made, for example, investment trends are concentrated in three main aspects clearly, in North America, the automotive industry, Central America, agricultural products, and South America, the extraction of resources, producing significantly economic growth. in gross domestic product.

    Finally, the case of Taiwan is widely significant, however, the data that has been found is only from 3 countries, it was decided to add it to the investigation despite the reduced information, to contrast and contribute to the discussion of results. We can conclude that foreign direct investment is really importart for the economic growth in Latin America, the regions are not significant level in our empirical analysis, and among the Asian countries like Korea and Taiwan have positive impact, China negative and significante and Japan it doesn’t have significante impact, most of them because covers difference approaches and ways to invest on the region.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110266014
    Data Type: thesis
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