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    Title: 「後反送中時代」之中共對港管治觀察:以香港新冠肺炎疫情治理為例
    Observation of the Chinese Communist Party’s Governance of Hong Kong in the Post-Anti-Extradition Era: A Case Study of the Management of the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Authors: 石健安
    Shek, Kin-On
    Contributors: 王信賢
    Wang, Hsin-Hsien
    Shek, Kin-On
    Keywords: 新冠疫情
    Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement
    CCP`s governance over Hong Kong
    One Country, Two Systems
    Public policy
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:12:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 香港自1997年主權移交至中國大陸後,至今已有二十六年,《基本法》保障香港所擁有的各種特殊權利,究竟直到今天是否仍得到保障?過去在這二十六年時間內,有關中共收緊對香港管治或破壞了「一國兩制」的說法,時有被國際社會所討論。在這議題上,中國官方一直都否認這些指控,並多次重申「一國兩制」在香港運行良好,不斷與國際輿論進行交鋒。



    Since the sovereignty transfer of Hong Kong to Mainland China in 1997, it has been twenty-six years. The "Basic Law" guarantees various special rights for Hong Kong, but is it still being upheld to this day? Over the past twenty-six years, there have been discussions in the international community about the Chinese Communist Party tightening its control over Hong Kong or undermining the "One Country, Two Systems" principle. On this issue, the Chinese government has consistently denied these allegations, repeatedly asserting that "One Country, Two Systems" has been functioning well in Hong Kong, engaging in ongoing confrontations with international public opinion.

    In 2019, Hong Kong experienced the largest-scale social protest since its return to Chinese sovereignty, known as the "Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement." The event directly targeted the CCP`s official stance. The protests were seen by the international community as Hong Kong people`s final resistance against CCP`s rule. However, it did significantly undermine the credibility of the Hong Kong government`s governance and shook the confidence of the CCP in governing Hong Kong.

    While the protests were ongoing, Hong Kong was hit by the "COVID-19 pandemic," becoming the most severe public health crisis since its return to China. The outbreak of COVID-19 led to both the central and Hong Kong governments investing significant policy efforts to combat the pandemic. The CCP then changed its approach to governance in Hong Kong, implementing the Hong Kong version of the national security law and altering the electoral system. These changes have been widely perceived as comprehensive tightening of control over Hong Kong and a collapse of the "One Country, Two Systems" principle. However, such analyses mainly focus on the political environment in Hong Kong, primarily discussing whether Hong Kong still maintains democratic freedoms. This article argues that a political perspective alone may not fully grasp the true situation of the CCP`s governance over Hong Kong.

    Following the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement, the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, and many new policies related to the CCP`s governance over Hong Kong were implemented during this pandemic period. Combined with the widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it significantly affected the operation of the Hong Kong SAR government. Therefore, this article will use the COVID-19 pandemic as a case study to analyze the changes in the CCP`s governance over Hong Kong. It will further delve into the analysis of these governance changes, exploring not only their impact on the political environment in Hong Kong but also their influence on non-political public policies. Through examining and comparing the epidemic prevention policies of the Chinese government and Hong Kong government during the pandemic, this article aims to identify the shifts in their respective policies at different time points and analyze the relationship between these changes and their epidemic prevention strategies. Subsequently, the article will analyze the statements made by leaders from both Mainland China and Hong Kong and relevant epidemic prevention experts regarding these key events in the context of the CCP`s governance over Hong Kong.

    The research findings indicate that as the CCP further tightens its governance over Hong Kong, not only does it impact the political atmosphere, but it also affects the formulation of public policies by the Hong Kong government. While there is no direct evidence of the CCP intervening in specific public policies, the increased influence of the Chinese government over Hong Kong`s affairs has led the Hong Kong government to align its policy decisions more closely with the Chinese government`s agenda. Moreover, this influence is not short-term but rather an irreversible situation, suggesting that the central government will continue to exert its impact on the public policies of the Hong Kong government. Finally, this research fills a gap in previous studies of the CCP`s governance over Hong Kong by focusing on the public policy perspective, which has been relatively less explored. This provides a new research approach for analyzing the issue of the CCP`s governance over Hong Kong in the future, enabling a more comprehensive analysis of the subject matter.
    Reference: 一、中文部分

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