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    Title: 「一帶一路」下中國國企的投資競合:以中鐵建與中鐵工為例
    Competition and Cooperation of Chinese SOEs` Investments under the ";Belt and Road";Initiative: A Case Study of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited and China Railway Group Limited.
    Authors: 洪靖翔
    Hong, Ching-Hsiang
    Contributors: 魏艾
    Hong, Ching-Hsiang
    Keywords: 國有企業
    State-owned enterprises
    Competition and cooperation among industry peers
    Belt and Road Initiative
    China Railway Group Limited
    China Railway Construction Corporation Limited.
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:10:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國國有企業為數眾多,其中同領域之國企不僅多家並存,長年以來更彼此競爭。國家作為主要調控者仍保留同業國企至今,其中的歷史沿革、經濟利益與政治意圖錯綜複雜,本研究旨在探討中國政府對同業國企競合所抱持的態度與意圖,以及國企作為獨立商業體該如何在服膺國家戰略的同時,仍持續朝商業目標前進。首先,本研究以「國家中心」為途徑切入,爬梳國家如何利用戰略與政策驅動國企對外投資及對同業競爭的策略,達成國家角色與職能的展現,研究發現中國除了透過國企改革消彌國企間的惡性競爭外,仍有驅動其相互合作的機制發生。本研究選取「中國鐵路工程集團」與「中國鐵道建築集團」兩大國有鐵路龍頭作為案例,除分析其全球投資分布之外,更深入兩大企業罕有之國際合作案「亞吉鐵路」與「中寮鐵路」試圖探索合作的原因,研究發現政府會交由行政總公司旗下機構與民間商會來協調國企前往不同區位投資,在涉及重要國家戰略時結合國企共同合作。透過國企本身競合的探討,本研究發現,中國政府除了以「一帶一路」作為對外投資主體外,當中更兼容「標準化戰略」的深度投資目的,展現對未來全球標準與規則的長遠佈局。
    Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are numerous, with multiple SOEs coexisting in the same industry and engaging in long-standing competition. The government, as the main regulator, has allowed such competition among industry peers to persist. The complex interplay of historical development, economic interests, and political intentions underscores the need to examine the government`s attitude and intentions towards competition among industry peers and how SOEs can continue to pursue their commercial objectives while adhering to national strategies. This study aims to explore the government`s stance and intentions regarding competition and cooperation among industry peers and how SOEs, as independent commercial entities, navigate their roles within the national strategy. Firstly, this paper takes a "state-centric" approach to analyze how the government utilizes strategies and policies to drive outward investments of SOEs and their competition among industry peers, thereby demonstrating its roles and functions. It is found that China, in addition to reforming SOEs to eliminate cutthroat competition, has mechanisms in place to facilitate their cooperation. This study selects China Railway Group Limited (CRG) and China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (CRCC), two major state-owned railway leaders, as case studies. Apart from analyzing their global investment distribution, the study delves into the rare international cooperation projects undertaken by these two enterprises, namely the "Addis Ababa–Djibouti Railway" and the "China-Laos Railway," in order to explore the reasons behind their collaborative efforts. It is discovered that the government delegates the coordination of SOEs` investments in different locations to affiliated institutions and chambers of commerce, particularly in matters concerning critical national strategies, to lead SOEs in joint cooperation. Through the examination of SOEs` competition and collaboration, it is also revealed that the Chinese government, apart from utilizing the "Belt and Road Initiative" as the main vehicle for outbound investments, embraces a "standardization strategy" for deep investments, showcasing a long-term layout for global standards and rules.

    Keywords: State-owned enterprises, Competition and cooperation among industry peers, Belt and Road Initiative, China Railway Group Limited, China Railway Construction Corporation Limited.
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