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Title: | 世界貿易組織第三國參與爭端解決機制之研究—以中國和美國貿易爭端案件為例 Third Parties Participation in World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement System: A Case Study of the Trade War between the United States and China |
Authors: | 傅璿 Fu, Syuan |
Contributors: | 吳文欽 Wu, Wen-Chin 傅璿 Fu, Syuan |
Keywords: | 世界貿易組織 第三國 美中貿易戰 爭端解決機制 聯合國大會投票 WTO Third Party China–United States trade war Dispute Settlement System State Performances from United Nations General Assembly |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 16:10:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文旨在探討美國與中國互為原告或被告的狀況下,一國選擇參與爭端成為第三國之動機。並在此前提下提出三個假設:第一,第三國對美國的總貿易額或中國的總貿易額比非第三國高;第二,當一國與美國或中國的外交政策距離接近時,會加入爭端成為第三國;第三,在美國與中國的外交政策距離接近時,會有較多的國家成為第三國。 本論文有幾項發現:首先,假設一為顯著,貿易額是影響一國參與的重要因素;其次,假設二呈現不顯著,一國外交偏好不一定代表其在國際組織中的選擇;再者,假設三出現顯著,兩國的關係會影響他國參與之決定;最後,預測機率顯示,貿易額要達到一定程度,才會影響一國選擇參與爭端之決定。 This thesis analyzes the incentives which make a member, as a third party, to participate in the disputes between the United States and China, and the analysis is under the situation that two great powers could be either complainant or respondent to each other. Hence, The thesis states three assumptions. First, each of the third parties total trade volume with either the United States or China is higher than that with other non-third parties. Second, if a member`s foreign policy distance is closer to either the United States or China, it is more likely to join the dispute as a third party. Third, when the foreign policy distance of two great power is closer, there will be more members inclined to the participate in the dispute as third parties. In addition, the thesis examines three independent variables. This study makes several findings. Firstly, when the first assumption is significant, trade volume is an important factor influencing a member’s participation as a third party. Secondly, When the second assumption isn’t significant, therefore a member’s foreign policy preferences do not necessarily reflect its decisions within international organizations. In addition, as the third assumption is significant, the relations between two great powers will influence other members’ decision to participate as third members. Lastly, probability forecast indicates that trade volume needs to reach a certain level to affect a member`s decision to join in disputes. |
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