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Title: | 試論創新與監理法制的變革-以自駕車為中心 A Tentative Analysis of the Interaction between Innovation and Regulation- Focusing on Autonomous Vehicles |
Authors: | 陳正榮 Chen, Cheng-Lung |
Contributors: | 臧正運 Tsang, Cheng-Yun 陳正榮 Chen, Cheng-Lung |
Keywords: | 監理變革 創新 自駕車 動態調整 透明性 技術中立 產業標準 公私協力 監理沙盒 事前研究 事後評估 數據驅動監理 跨部門協作 Regulation Adjustment Innovation Autonomous Vehicle Dynamic Adjustment Transparency echnology Neutrality Industry standards public-private partnership regulation sandbox ex-ante explore ex-post Assessment data-driven regulation tools inter-government collaboration |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:57:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 創新帶來更多的經濟發展機會,更有效率的資源運用,但是當創新技術化身為的產品或服務進入市場,卻常常面對監理法律與規定的調整,跟不上創新的發展速度,而顯得僵固與令人詬病。 自駕車這項產品,集合眾多的創新技術,也預期將徹底改變汽車與運輸產業。本研究試圖藉由研究自駕車的法制變革過程,爬梳當面對創新時,監理法制的調整,試圖在其中找出比較適合的原則、方法,作為未來產業市場在面對創新時,監理變革得以快速因應調整的依據與參考。 初步研究發現,面對自駕車創新,積極應對的各國政府,在立法部門與行政部門都有與過去汽車發展歷史脈絡不同的因應作為,目的在兼顧自駕車產業的發展與監理的需要。並沒有基於安全理由,立刻對尚未成熟的技術風險,立法設限。行政部門反而望眼產業發展,將規劃拉高到上位政策層級,提出政策指導,引導發展方向,強調監理需平衡考慮,兼顧創新,且具透明性與技術中立性,採動態調整的態度,定時檢討更新。同時指定專職單位進行創新研究,擘畫願景,展開全面法律盤點,並確認需進行中央與地方分工,與跨政府部門間的相互協作。採用依數據驅動的監理工具與方法,藉以具體評估技術水準。積極與相關利益者展開各種本於公私協力精神的互動與合作,制定發展方向、共同技術標準、技術資訊共享等。政策指導與法規制定,須作事前研究與事後評估。立法部門則積極立法訂定相關監理工具法源,如實驗機制與試驗場域的法制,以利推動監理沙盒實驗機制,及開放封閉與開放實驗場域供業者試驗。將須法律保留部分的規定先行入法,例如納入自駕車於交通系統、安全原則等。 變動中的創新技術發展,有無限的機會與發展可能。過多或過早的監理法規,會限制住創新技術的發展。本研究找出的這些原則,期盼可以建構適切的監理法制,不影響創新技術的積極發展,也能引導朝向社會利益的方向進行,同時維護社會大眾各方面的安全要求。 Innovation brings more opportunities for economic development and more efficient use of resources. However, when products or services transformed by innovative technologies enter the market, they often face adjustments in laws and regulations made by the government or regulator, which cannot keep up with the speed of innovation. It appears rigid and distasteful. The autonomous vehicle is a product that combines numerous innovative technologies and is expected to revolutionize the automotive and transportation industries. This study attempts to study the process of legal reform of autonomous vehicles, to sort out the adjustment of the regulatory when faced with innovation, and to find out more suitable principles and methods. These suitable principles and methods can be as the basis and reference for quick response and adjustment when we meet innovation in the future.
Preliminary studies have found that the governments of various countries that are actively responding to the innovation of autonomous vehicles have adopted different responses in the legislative and administrative departments from the historical context of automobile development in the past. There is no immediate legislative restriction on immature technical risks based on security reasons. Instead, the administrative department looked at the development of the industry, raised the planning to the upper policy level, put forward policy guidance, guided the development direction, emphasized that supervision needs to be considered in a balanced way, take into account innovation, and have transparency and technology neutrality, adopt a dynamic adjustment attitude, and regularly Review for updates. At the same time, a full-time unit is designated to conduct innovative research, draw a vision, conduct a comprehensive legal inventory, and confirm the need for a division of labor between the central and local governments, as well as mutual collaboration between government departments. Adopt data-driven regulation tools and methods to specifically assess the technical level. Actively carry out various interactions and cooperation with relevant stakeholders based on the spirit of public-private cooperation, formulate development directions, common technical standards, technical information sharing, etc. Policy guidance and formulation of regulations require prior research and post-assessment. The legislative department is actively enacting legislation to formulate the legal sources of relevant regulation tools, such as the legal system of the experimental mechanism and the experimental field, so as to promote the regulatory sandbox experimental mechanism, and open closed and open experimental fields for operators to test. Incorporate the provisions that must be retained by law into law first, such as incorporating autonomous vehicles into the transportation system, safety principles, etc.. The ever-changing development of innovative technology has unlimited opportunities and development possibilities. Excessive or premature supervision regulations will limit the development of innovative technologies. The principles found in this study are expected to construct an appropriate supervision legal system, which will not affect the positive development of innovative technologies, and can also guide the direction of social interests, while maintaining the safety requirements of the public in all aspects. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法學院碩士在職專班 104961035 |
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