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Title: | 遊戲行為設計對於態度極化之影響 —— 以死刑議題為例 The Impact of Game Behavior on Attitude Polarization —— Taking the Death Penalty Issues as an Example |
Authors: | 林修廷 Lin, Xiu-Ting |
Contributors: | 陳宜秀 廖峻鋒 林修廷 Lin, Xiu-Ting |
Keywords: | 態度變化 遊戲研究 極化 Attitude Change Game Research Polarization |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:55:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近來的態度極化現象研究多以社群平台上的內容,尤其是各類政治議題為主;然而態度極化的議題絕不止於政治議題,造成極化的傳播方式也不限於社群平台,各領域中的爭議性主題皆可能導致極化的發生。以臺灣社會為例,死刑議題即是一項持續受到社會各方關注與爭辯的議題,支持與反對方立場壁壘分明,明顯地呈現兩極化。
另一方面,近年來的研究指出,遊戲具備的互動性比起靜態的文本,能夠讓參與者有更豐富的感知體驗,進而深刻理解遊戲欲傳達的訊息;和其他媒介相比能帶來更持久的認知變化。因此,本研究便以此為途徑,企圖探究遊戲與態度極化間的相互關係。我們以死刑議題為參考,假設受試者對議題的原始態度(支持/不支持)、其接觸的素材形式(遊戲/文字內容)及其議題立場(支持/不支持)相互作用,希望透過一個 2 × 2 × 2 的組間設計實驗,觀察此三項因素的相互作用是否影響受試者實驗前後的態度產生變化。
在實驗結果之中,我們觀察到受試者的態度變化幅度雖不明顯,但仍可呼應部分的研究假設:遊玩遊戲的受試者確實受到素材形式及其議題立場的影響,其態度的變化趨勢與研究假設大致相符,證實遊戲在其中的確具備一定的影響力。另一方面,受試者對死刑議題的態度並未因實驗的影響而變得更加強烈,事實上也遏止了極化的發生,進而可能降低受試者對於死刑議題的偏見。藉由此研究,我們期望能為日後的相關研究提供不同的思路,以及包含實驗素材設計、問卷量表設計與議題選擇等研究設計面向的建議與參考。 Past research on attitude polarization focused on radicalized political attitudes resulting from interactions over social media platforms, especially various political issues. However, the scope of topics driving attitude polarization extends beyond politics, and the propagation of polarization is not limited to social media. Controversial subjects across different domains have the potential to trigger polarization. Take the example of Taiwanese society where the issue of the death penalty continues to be a subject of ongoing societal concern and debate, with clear-cut positions in favor of and against, vividly demonstrating a dichotomy.
On the other hand, recent research has indicated that the interactivity inherent in games, compared to static text, allows participants to have richer perceptual experiences, leading to a deeper understanding of the intended message and potentially fostering more enduring cognitive changes. Therefore, this study takes this avenue to investigate the interplay between gaming and attitude polarization. Using the death penalty as a reference point, we hypothesize that the participants` original attitudes towards the issue (for or against the death penalty), the format of material they engage with (game or texts), and the stance on the issue (for or against the death penalty) interact. We propose a 2x2x2 between-subject design experiment, aiming to observe whether the interaction of these three factors influences changes in participants` attitudes before and after the experiment.
In the results of the experiment, we observed that the extent of participants` attitude changes wasn`t markedly pronounced. However, this still aligns with some of the research hypotheses: participants engaged in gaming did indeed exhibit influences from the format of the material and the stance on the issue. The general trend of their attitude changes roughly corresponds to the research assumptions, confirming that game factor do possess a certain degree of influence within this context. On the other hand, participants` attitudes towards the death penalty did not intensify due to the experimental influence. In fact, it also curbed the occurrence of polarization, potentially mitigating biases concerning the death penalty issue. Through this study, we aspire to provide different avenues for future related research, encompassing recommendations and references for aspects of research design such as experimental material creation, questionnaire scale formulation, and topic selection. |
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