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    Title: 結合 AI 虛擬助教與沉浸式學習策略於程式教學遊戲的設計與評估
    Design and Evaluation of a Programming Learning Game Incorporating AI Virtual Assistants and Immersive Learning Strategies
    Authors: 古健樺
    Gu, Jian-Hua
    Contributors: 陳聖智

    Chen, Sheng-Chih
    Liao, Chun-Feng

    Gu, Jian-Hua
    Keywords: 程式教育
    programming education
    generative artificial intelligence
    virtual teaching assistant
    sequence analysis
    behavior pattern
    Immersive learning
    digital game-based learning
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:55:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 學習程式設計已經是全世界的運動,特別是非資訊背景相關的學生在學習上會遇到非常多的困難,所以本研究設計了《Code Bunny》的 JavaScript 程式語言沉浸式學習遊戲,並加入生成式人工智慧 (ChatGPT) 技術實作之虛擬助教融入鷹架理論,除了提供學習者一個互動性強、沈浸式且具有學習鷹架的學習環境外,結合虛擬助教進行解答,引導學習者透過解決程式設計問題,循序漸進地學習和應用 JavaScript 程式語言。本研究探討加入 AI 虛擬助教的沉浸式學習模式,實施於非資訊背景的大學生與研究生學習 JavaScript 程式設計,欲了解此學習模式對學習者的學習成效、學習動機、心流狀態、活動焦慮、三階段的情緒狀態、綜合學習心得回饋與學習過程的行為模式之影響。研究對象為非資訊背景的大學生與研究生,總共 41 位實驗對象,實驗採用單一前後測設計,在受測者進行學習活動前,需填寫遊戲實驗同意書,並且進行先備知識前測,體驗完學習遊戲後,受測者需要再次填寫程式學習成效後測,此後測題目與前測相同,但是題號順序不同,接著完成 ARCS 動機量表、心流量表、活動焦慮量表和動機及情緒三階段量表,最後填寫一份質性的心得問卷,在遊戲體驗的過程中會要求受測者對螢幕進行錄影,除了分析上述的量表之外,其中實驗後的心得問卷將以質性方法進行分析,實驗也會將螢幕錄影內容編碼後進行序列分析,以了解受測者在使用 AI 虛擬助教輔助程式學習的行為模式。研究結果顯示,使用AI虛擬助教輔助沉浸式學習能夠有效提升學習者的JavaScript學習成效、動機和心流狀態。然而,仍有一些改進的空間,包括提升助教回答的準確性和指導性,改進遊戲介面的清晰度,以及更好地引導和延伸學習的能力。這些建議和改進將有助於進一步提升AI虛擬助教的效果和學習體驗。
    Learning programming is already a movement all over the world, especially students with non-information background will encounter a lot of difficulties in learning, so this study designed a JavaScript immersive learning game called "Code Bunny", and incorporating the virtual assistant into the implementation of generative AI (ChatGPT) technology into the scaffolding theory, in addition to providing learners with a highly interactive, immersive environment with learning scaffolding, the virtual teaching assistant is introduced to answer questions and guide learners through learn and apply the JavaScript programming step by step by solving programming problems. This study explores the immersive learning mode of adding AI virtual teaching assistants to learn JavaScript programming. The subjects of the study were 41 undergraduates and postgraduates with non-information background. This study is a single-group quasi-experimental design. The purpose of this experiment is to explore learners` learning effectiveness, learning motivation, flow state, learning anxiety, and emotional state. The research results show that the use of AI virtual teaching assistants to assist immersive learning can effectively improve learners` JavaScript learning effectiveness, motivation and flow state. However, there is still some room for improvement, including improving the accuracy and instructiveness of TA responses, improving the clarity of game interfaces, and the ability to better guide and extend learning. These suggestions and improvements will help to further enhance the effect and learning experience of AI virtual teaching assistants.
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