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    Title: 兵法或冰法: 美國北極氣候安全戰略之再檢視
    The Art of Frost: Redefining American Security Strategy and Climate Security in the Arctic
    Authors: 伍逸欣
    Woods, Faith Yvette
    Contributors: 劉復國
    Liu, Fu-Kuo
    Woods, Faith Yvette
    Keywords: 氣候安全
    Climate security
    Arctic policy
    Climate action
    Climate governance
    American Strategy
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:53:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 受到俄羅斯-烏克蘭戰爭所引發的影響, 以及中國在北極地區日益增加的活動與影響,美國已明確將其注意力轉向該地區,並推動制定2022年北極地區國家戰略。在評估美國北極政策的發展及其對傳統霸權美國的優勢之後,不難看出美國北極政策是無效的。美國北極政策未能將氣候變遷視為與國家一樣重要的政策焦點,這導致美國在北極地區的地位落後於其他北極國家。本研究探討了氣候安全領域,並建議美國將氣候安全納入其北極政策的核心。結合以前所未有的氣候行動作為安全策略的運用,美國可以緩解北極地區的緊張局勢。本研究發現北極地區為由於自然環境使然,而成為國家間地緣政治衝突的首個案例,填補了現存文獻中的一個空白,並為將氣候行動納入安全領域提供了理由。這一研究發現有潛力提高氣候變遷在國家安全政策中的重要性,甚至首次使氣候變遷成為美國政治中的兩黨共同議題。
    With implications brought on by the Russia-Ukraine War and increased Chinese presence in the Arctic, the United States has explicitly turned its attention to the region, pushing it to develop the 2022 National Strategy for the Arctic Region. After assessing the development of American Arctic policy and its dependence on traditional, hegemonic American advantages, it becomes evident that American Arctic policy is ineffective. American Arctic policy’s failure to consider climate change as an actor equal to that of a nation-state has led the United States to fall behind its Arctic peers. This study explores the field of climate security and suggests that the United States incorporate climate security at the core of its Arctic policy. Coupled with the unprecedented use of climate action as a security strategy, the United States could deescalate Arctic tensions. This research fills a literature gap by discovering the Arctic as the first case of a geopolitical conflict between states due to the natural environment alone and justifying the integration of climate action into the realm of security. Such a finding has the potential to raise the importance of climate change on national agendas and even make climate change a bipartisan issue within American politics for the first time.
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