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    Title: 「人可以貌相?」 以內政部移民署為例之種族貌相問題研究
    Judge people by their appearance? A Case Study of Racial Profiling in National Immigration Agency
    Authors: 張姜姿羽
    Chang Chiang, Tzu-Yu
    Contributors: 陳敦源
    Chen, Don-Yun
    Chang Chiang, Tzu-Yu
    Keywords: 種族貌相
    Racial profiling
    Biased law enforcement
    Representative bureaucracy
    Implicit biases
    National Immigration Agency
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:50:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「種族貌相」(racial profiling)是指執法人員根據膚色、外表等種族或族裔特徵來針對個人加強攔查,或採取其他差別待遇,導致某類人經常遭遇執法人員選擇性和歧視性地對待。簡言之,種族貌相係基於種族的偏見執法,這種做法在歐美社會時常引起爭議,我國近年來亦發生多起案例,惟國內目前尚無相關的實證研究。



    研究結果發現: 1.種族貌相是移民執法人員的普遍作法,東南亞裔外貌是顯著的執法目標,且在執法過程中,東南亞人也遭受較多的負面待遇,而個人刻板印象、組織社會化和外部環境均強化了執法人員種族貌相的傾向。2.不論內隱聯結測驗與問卷調查結果皆顯示,移民執法人員明顯對東南亞人持有較負面的刻板印象和內隱偏見,而威脅感是造成此負面態度的主因。其次,本文進一步比較新進學員與執法人員的差異,結果顯示學員對東南亞外來者之負面態度顯著少於執法人員,證明職業對種族態度具關鍵影響。3.不論是在態度上或是行為上,新住民/新二代移民官都比臺灣本土移民官具有較高的少數族群代表性。最後,本文針對我國種族貌相問題之因應及未來研究方向等,提出理論與實務的建議。
    “Racial profiling” refers to the practice of law enforcement officers targeting individuals for enhanced stop-and-frisk or other differential treatment based on racial or ethnic characteristics, such as skin color or appearance. This leads to selective and discriminatory treatment of certain groups by law enforcement officers. In short, racial profiling is racially biased law enforcement, and it has been a controversial issue in European and American societies. While there have been several such cases in Taiwan in recent years, there is currently no empirical research on this issue in Taiwan.

    The purpose of this study is to explore whether law enforcement officers engage in differential enforcement behaviors, known as “racial profiling”, based on the nationality or race of the individuals they interact with. Using the National Immigration Agency of the Ministry of the Interior in Taiwan as a case study, this study further discusses the causes of racial profiling and whether law enforcement officers from ethnic minorities can play an active role in reducing discrimination against their representative groups and minimizing racial profiling.

    Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were employed in this study. In the qualitative part of this study, in-depth interviews were conducted to investigate the current situation and causes of racial profiling among immigrants in Taiwan. Additionally, paired comparison interviews were conducted to assess whether law enforcement officers from ethnic minority backgrounds could help reduce racial profiling behaviors, thereby validating the role played by representative bureaucrats in racial profiling. The quantitative part of this study utilized the psychological Implicit-Association Test (IAT) along with questionnaire survey to explore the attitudes of immigration law enforcement officers towards immigrants of different races and the predictive factors influencing these attitudes.

    The results of this study reveal that: (1) racial profiling is a common practice among immigration enforcement officers in Taiwan, with individuals of Southeast Asian appearance being a prominent target. Southeast Asians are more likely to experience negative treatment during enforcement procedures. Moreover, personal stereotypes, organizational socialization, and the external environment reinforce officers’ tendencies to engage in racial profiling. (2) Both the IAT and the questionnaire results show that immigration enforcement officers significantly hold negative stereotypes and implicit biases against Southeast Asians, with feelings of threat being a key cause of these negative attitudes. Furthermore, a comparison between new trainees and experienced law enforcement officers show that trainees have significantly fewer negative attitudes toward Southeast Asian foreigners, suggesting that occupation plays a crucial role in shaping racial attitudes. (3) New residents/new second-generation immigration officers have a higher representation of minority groups in both attitude and behavior, compared to native Taiwanese immigration officers. Finally, this study provides theoretical and practical suggestions regarding the causes of racial profiling in Taiwan and the directions for future research.
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