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Title: | 《教育雜誌》與近代中國教育的轉型 The Chinese Education Review and the Transition of Modern Chinese Education |
Authors: | 洪文嘉 Hung, Wen-Chia |
Contributors: | 侯嘉星 Ho, Ciah-Sing 洪文嘉 Hung, Wen-Chia |
Keywords: | 《教育雜誌》 商務印書館 教育轉型 社會網絡研究 出版史 教育史 The Chinese Education Review The Commercial Press Educational Transition Social Network Analysis History of Publishing History of Education |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:49:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 歷經甲午戰敗與義和團拳亂幾盡亡國,士紳們逐漸意識到西學與普及教育的重要性,使教育由培養菁英逐漸轉向培養國民的現代教育,隨之而來是整體教育的重新定位,教育的內容、目標、方法皆須重新設計,如何調整與用何種教育思想做為調整核心,遂成為近代中國教育在現代化過程中的討論焦點。在此教育變革中,眾多教育機構接連產出各式各樣的教育刊物,其中又以商務印書館所出版的《教育雜誌》最具代表性,在其將近四十年的出版歷程中,不僅是教育新知的傳播平台,更是教育議題的重要論壇,為理解近代中國教育發展的重要材料。 目前《教育雜誌》相關研究大多呈現受到西方衝擊後中國一領域或一層級教育的發展,忽略教育現代化過程中新舊交融的衝突與複雜性,同時針對《教育雜誌》內容生產過程與生產參與者的討論,即《教育雜誌》商業運營的本質與編輯作者群體,仍較為缺乏。因此本研究將使用《教育雜誌》的文章內容,透過近年逐漸興起的數位人文研究法,檢視《教育雜誌》作者群體組成與歷年文章討論重點變化,藉此觀察印刷出版企業期刊對新教育的形塑,並探究在《教育雜誌》出版時段(1909-1948)內近代中國的教育轉型歷程。 After the defeat in the Sino-Japanese War and the chaos caused by the Boxer Rebellion, the gentries gradually realized the importance of Western learning and widespread education. This shift led education from cultivating elites to fostering modern education for the entire nation. Alongside this transition came a repositioning of the entire educational landscape, requiring a redesign of educational content, goals, and methods. Adjusting with which educational ideologies became a core concern in the modernization process of Chinese education, becoming a focal point of discussion. Within this educational reform, numerous educational institutions produced various educational publications. Among them, the most representative was The Chinese Education Review published by the Commercial Press. Throughout its nearly forty years of publication, it not only served as a platform for disseminating new educational knowledge but also as an important forum for educational issues. It stands as a crucial source for understanding the development of modern Chinese education. Current research on The Chinese Education Review largely focuses on the development of specific fields or levels of education in China following Western influence. This approach neglects the conflicts and complexities arising from the merging of old and new during the process of educational modernization. Simultaneously, discussions concerning the content production process and participants in The Chinese Education Review, including the commercial nature of its operation and the group of editorial authors, remain relatively insufficient. Therefore, this study will employ the content of the The Chinese Education Review and utilize emerging digital humanities research methods to examine the composition of the author group and changes in the focus of articles over the years. This will facilitate an observation of how print publishing enterprises shaped new education and an exploration of the educational transition in modern China during the period of The Chinese Education Review publication (1909-1948). |
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