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Title: | 大學培育社會創業的角色與功能 Roles and Functions of Universities in Cultivating Social Entrepreneurship |
Authors: | 洪新翰 Hung, Hsin-Han |
Contributors: | 蔡培元 Tsai, Pei-Yuan 洪新翰 Hung, Hsin-Han |
Keywords: | 社會創業 大學 創業培育 育成中心 孵化 Social Entrepreneurship University Entrepreneurial Cultivation Incubation Center Incubation |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:46:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在發展大學脈絡中關於社會創業的研究,探討大學在培育社會創業 的角色與做法、大學對於培育社會創業的優劣勢、大學在培育社會創業過程中的 改善空間。本研究採用質性研究,透過立意抽樣與滾學球的方式,邀請十位具備 與社會創業相關經驗的培育工作者與社會創業成員來進行深度訪談。研究發現: 一、隨著大學的定位變化與社會創業的討論發展,大學會在四個培育社會創業的 階段中提供支持與協助,該四階段為啟蒙階段、實踐階段、草創階段、穩定階段, 並且大學擁有多元的資源來協助這些階段的發展,包含人力、學術專業、技術、 財務、實踐場域等種類;育成中心孵化資源與計畫性資源則是兩種主要的資源途 徑;二、大學在培育過程中具備的優勢包含大學能作為媒合資源的平台、引導與 資訊統合的能力、跨域合作的可能性、提供實務操作的機會、提高社會創業團隊 的曝光度、提供夠用的時間、提供試錯的機會、心理支持等;相反地,其挑戰則 來自於社會創業本質容易致使培育難度增加、學生投入社會創業所面臨的困境、 學校層體制上的限制,以及社會創業孵化的過程中會遇到的限制等議題;三、大 學在學生、學校與創業孵化的層面皆還有一些改善空間,可以作為未來大學在培 育社會創業過程中的調整方向。研究建議:一、大學在社會創業培育階段中應做 出相對應的調整;二、社會創業的培育可以結合社工專業的發展。 This research aims to explore social entrepreneurship within the university context. The discussion delves into three aspects, including (1) the role of universities and their approaches to social entrepreneurship, (2) the advantages and disadvantages associated with their involvement, and (3) areas for improvement within social entrepreneurship cultivation processes. A qualitative approach is adopted for this study, and ten interviewees were selected through purposive and snowball sampling for in-depth interviews. The research findings are as follows: (1) Role of Universities: As universities have embraced social entrepreneurship and increased their focus on it, they have taken on a more active role in cultivating social entrepreneurship initiatives. They provide diverse resources across four key stages: enlightenment, practice, initiation, and steadiness. These encompass human resources, professional academic resources, technical requirements, financial support, and fields for practice as the main categories of resources. On top of that, two primary avenues for resource acquisition stand out: the services provided by incubation centers and structured program resources. (2) Advantages and Disadvantages of Universities in the Social Entrepreneurship Context: Universities offer several advantages in cultivating social entrepreneurship. These include the capability to serve as a platform to connect with diverse resources, the ability to guide and integrate information, interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities, hands-on practical experience, increased exposure to social entrepreneurship teams, sufficient time for implementing practices, room for trial and error, and valuable mental support. However, it is important to note that challenges can arise due to the inherent nature of social entrepreneurship, as well as issues related to students, schools, and the incubation process. (3) Spaces for Improvement: The study identifies three areas where universities can enhance their social entrepreneurship cultivation processes: student involvement, school adjustment, and entrepreneurial incubation. The researcher suggests that: (1) Universities should make corresponding adjustments during the social entrepreneurship cultivation stages (2) The cultivation of social entrepreneurship in universities can be integrated with the development of social work professions. |
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